Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy
The Lions group runs an ICP platform with both quadrupole ICPMS and ICPOES. This platform is dedicated to:
- Instrumental developments : new ICP introduction systems based on microfluidics and 3D printing
- Analysis of liquid suspensions (nanoparticle, possibly with biological cells) in both averaging mode or in single particle mode.

ICPMS laboratory
In the averaging mode: nanoparticles are dissolved prior to analysis. This measurement provides to the average chemical composition and/or quantity of nanoparticles in the analyzed sample.
In the single particle mode: nanoparticles are analyzed one after one to build, for example, size distribution histogram or determine nanoparticle number concentration.
Both ICP platform can provide external services for third parties on a commercial basis for nanoparticle suspensions or dissolved compounds. All dilutions are performed by weight and results are normally given on the following working day. The Lions group is also willing to collaborate with others groups for scientific projects.

Coupling sp-ICPMS and SAXS for nanoparticles characterization
Small-angle X-ray scattering spectroscopy (SAXS) is the method of choice for nanoparticle diameter and concentration determination. On the one hand, it is metrologically traceable for spherical nanoparticle mean diameter determination and does not require any sample preparation or calibration. On the other hand, single-particle inductively coupled mass spectrometry (SPICPMS) is a well known instrumental technique but is still under development and requires involved process clarification and accuracy improvement for the nanoparticles characterization.