TANGO Device server concept

TANGO Device server concept

The TANGO system works around the concept of “Device Server “. A device server is a program that deals specifically with permanent dialogue (“server”) with the apparatus (“device”). The device server can be written in Java, C + +, Python, based on their use.

Good programming practices in LIONS want the device servers based on external libraries or DLL C are programmed in C + +. Other devices are servers written in Python.

Around 50 Device Servers have been developed at LIONS.

Some of devices server

-X-ray detectors :

  • Fast Com Tech card for gas detector
  • Marresearch Mar 300 image plate detector
  • Picasso camera from Photonic Science
  • CiberStar X200 scintillator and controler
  • DanPhysik Ionisation chamber
  • Mar 300 Detector
  • Mar 345 Detector
  • Basler camera
  • webcam camera

– Motors :

  • Microcontrôle MM4005, ESP300, IT6CA
  • Trinamics SixPack Controler and MonoPack Controler
  • Trinamics TMCL controlers

– DAQ :

  • NI-DAQ from National Instrument

– Other :

  • OceanOptics UV spectrometer
  • Rigaku generator RU300
  • Siemens Powder diffractomer D5000
  • Thorlabs Filter wheel FW102
  • Harvard Syringe Pump