- Furnace in in-situ configuration for carbon nanotube growth
A reactor/oven device allowing the implementation of various analysis and characterization techniques (laser reflectometry, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectrometry, X-ray absorption spectroscopy) was developed at LEDNA in collaboration with LPS-Orsay, the IN-Grenoble and the SOLEIL synchrotron. This device makes it possible to monitor the growth of CNTs during synthesis. [Landois et al., Phys. Stat. Solid. 2011]

- Furnace in in-situ configuration for graphene growth
A graphene synthesis device specifically dedicated to in-situ studies was developed in the laboratory in collaboration with the LPS, the Soleil synchrotron and IRAMIS-SPEC. The metal substrate is placed on a heated substrate holder. The assembly is fixed and it is the entire device, of compact size, which is placed on the targeted characterization devices (mainly XRD). The beryllium dome which acts as a window for the passage of X-rays can also be replaced by a quartz window in order to carry out in-situ Raman spectroscopy analyses.

Contacts : Emeline Charon, Mathieu Pinault ou Dominique Porterat (NIMBE/LEDNA)