

<< People

Ultrafast Nanophotonics Group


Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers


+33 1 69 08
+33 1 69 08 12 13

PhD thesis: French-Russian joint international supervision

Title  :

Spatio-temporal modeling of laser-tissue interaction in multimodal spectroscopy for cancer and pre-cancer states of epithelial tissue in vivo [IJ1, IJ2] [IC1, IC2, IC3, IC4, IC5, IC6] [NC1, NC2, NC3, NC4]

Laboratory (France)  :

Université de Lorraine (UL) (Nancy, France)
Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN), UMR 7039, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) & UL

Supervisor  :

Prof. Walter BLONDEL

Co-supervisor  :

Prof. Christian DAUL

Laboratory (Russia) :

Laser Biospectroscopy Lab., Natural Sciences Center, A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)

Supervisor :

Prof. Victor B. LOSCHENOV

Description :

Modeling of plasmon nanoparticles optical properties, experimental and theoretical modeling of light-tissue interactions in multilayered tissue, inverse problem solution based on forward Monte Carlo problem, experimental and theoretical life-time modeling of fluorophores in present of nanoparticles

Financial support :

Conseil Régional de Lorraine
French Embassy in Moscow

Master thesis

Title :

Research on laser and laser-induced fluorescence interaction with model of nervous tissue and nervous tissue in vitro [IC7, IC8] [NC5, NC6]


Laser Biospectroscopy Lab., Natural Sciences Center, General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Moscow


Prof. LOSCHENOV Victor B.

Short abstract

Research on laser-induced fluorescence and diffused light interaction with nervous tissue and with models of nervous tissue, estimation of effective laser-induced fluorescence anisotropy factor, Monte Carlo modeling and diffusion approximation



PhD, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France; CRAN-CNRS-UL – École Doctorale IAEM Lorraine (ED 77) Computer science, Automatic control, Electronics and Mathematics .


PhD, Laser Biospectroscopy Lab., GPI RAS, Moscow, Russia, Laser physics.


Physicist, Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Faculty of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow, Russia, Medical Physics Specialist.


High school, Gymnasium 1579, Moscow, Russia.




Post-doctorate researcher, CEA Saclay – Lasers, Dynamics, Interactions Lab., Gif-sur-Yvette, France,VOXEL project – Volumetric medical X-ray imaging at extremely low dose, Nanoimagin project – Interface, methods and setup development for 3D/4D diffrac- tion imaging of biological objects.

0 Manager of Nanoimagin project:

responsible for 2 PhD students and 2 trainees;

modified a setup for diffraction imaging and holography in optical region of wave-lengths in order to achieve higher resolution and adapt the setup for biological objects, which are considered to be diffuse and alter the diffraction pattern;

simulated in FDTD a single nanostructured high harmonics generation media in order to confine the optical field at certain wavelengths and obtain high numerical aperture for diffraction imaging setup and get higher lateral and axial resolution.

2 patents in process:

· apparatus for 3D/4D diffraction imaging of diffuse biological objects in vivo;

· tapered nanofibers fabrication method and application to imaging systems of live objects;

0 Member of VOXEL project:

developped an algorithm allowing for sorting sparse images obtained from X-ray diffraction measurements and as a results receive a data with sufficient signal to noise ratio allowing for following reconstruction of a 3D object;

co-author of 1 article in process: 3D stereo single acquisition imaging using highg harmonics generation.


Engineer, Laser Biospectroscopy Lab., Natural Sciences Center, General Physics Institute, Russia Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Detailed achievements in several multidisciplinary projects and clinical research.

0 Gynecology [NJ1, NJ2, NJ3] [NC7]:

method of 4 steps photodynamic therapy of several types of vulvovaginal candidiasis was elaborated under control of fluorescent diagnosis, laser radiation – 405 nm;

photodynamic effect achieved on 40 patients, no recurrences during 4 years;

statistical analysis of spectroscopic data;

spectroscopic assistance.

0 Neurosurgery [IC9, IC10, IC11] [NJ4, NJ5] [NC8, NC9, NC10] [P1, P2] [M1]:

preliminary experiments on phantoms;

combined analysis: oxygenation measurements, fluorescent spectroscopy and visual-ization of pathological changes during surgeries;

the spectroscopic measurements assistance during neurosurgeries;

statistical analysis of spectroscopic data;

2 patents [P1, P2].

0 Proctology [IC12] [NC11]:

coagulation method of blood nodes approved on models [NC12] and on real tissue during the surgeries

1 patent [P3];

0 Optical fibers investigation for fluorescent diagnosis for resolved probing of tissues in depth.


Russian Native

English Upper-Intermediate

  • School (10 years) University (2 years) Scientific
  • TOEIC (840/990)

French B2

  • Courses in CAFOL, Nancy, France (5 months) C
  • ourses in Russian Academy of Sciences (4 months)
  • Ph.D. (3×6 months), living in France since 2016
  • Private lessons (5 months)

German Basics

  • School (10 years)

Computer skills


  • Interfaces, VI’s for new equipment


  • Inverse problem solving, Interfaces, Modeling of light-tissue interactions Signal and Image processing


  • Signal and Image processing

Wolfram Mathematics

  • Modeling of nanoparticles optical properties

COMSOL Multiphysics

  • RF module


  • FDTD module


  • Writing articles, making presentations


  • Scientific purposes

Microsoft Office

  • Scientific purposes


Prof. Hamed MERDJI CEA Saclay//DRF//IRAMIS//LIDyL//Ultrafast Nanophotonics group, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France

Prof. Walter BLONDEL CRAN, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France – UMR 7039 CNRS, Nancy, France

Prof. Victor LOSCHENOV Laser Biospectroscopy Lab., GPI RAS, Moscow, Russian – MEPhI, Moscow, Russia

Prof. Christian DAUL CRAN, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France – UMR 7039 CNRS, Nancy, France

Prof. Sergey GONCHUKOV

Courses followed during PhD studies

Denis Maillet Inverse problems solution: methods and models 21 h

Alain Hazotte Image Processing and Quantitative Microscopy 24 h

Denis Roegel LATEXfor scientific purposes 20 h

CAFOL, Nancy, France French as a foreign language 2 x 48 h


Science Connections between different areas in science, news and developments

Self-development There are no limits

Reading Classical literature, history, architecture

Teaching Physics and mathematics

Sport Surfing, snowboarding, mountain skiing, yachting, windsurfing, wakeboarding, ice- and roller-skating, cycling, longboarding.