In addition to optics and photonics, IRAMIS’ research activities also focus on the implementation of ultra-short and/or high-intensity laser pulses, with new polarization states.
IRAMIS is thus a key player in the “Pôle laser” within the Université Paris Saclay perimeter: it coordinates the ATTOLAB platform, designed for interdisciplinary studies of ultrafast dynamics on femtosecond and attosecond timescales in gas, condensed phase and plasma systems. It also houses the UHI 100 laser platform, designed to study the behavior of matter in an ultra-relativistic interaction regime that has yet to be fully explored.
Laser-matter interaction involves both physical and chemical aspects. Research programs range from simple atomic and molecular systems to complex molecular and biomolecular systems, solids and plasmas. It is also at the heart of numerous cutting-edge technologies for telecommunications and information processing, medical imaging, etc.
In this vast field of lasers and light-matter interaction, research at IRAMIS focuses in particular on the following areas:
- New sources of extreme light (from ultra-intense to ultra-bref), new states of light polarization, optical metrology from infrared to X-rays, etc
- Ultrafast dynamics / Attoscience
- High-field physics, laser-plasma interaction, coherent control of electron wave packets
- Materials for optics and lasers, photochemistry, laser nanostructuring
- Photophysics, nanophotonics, plasmonics
Find out more about the research activities of the IRAMIS Research Units.