Joint laboratories

IRAMIS joint laboratories bring together one of the institute’s laboratories and a company in a close, long-term collaboration. They are based on a shared program of research and innovation activities. This program serves the company’s interests, and aims to develop products and technologies that break with existing ones, and thus boost their competitiveness. Joint laboratories are governed jointly. A joint laboratory agreement defines the resources and skills required to operate the program, the rules governing intellectual property, and the strategies for promoting and sustaining the collaboration beyond the initial funding.

Over and above long-term collaboration, this partnership offers the advantage of sharing the same R&D roadmap, as well as pooling equipment, premises and personnel. The aim is to create a stimulating environment both for researchers, who can see the direct applicative spin-offs of their research, and for industry, which can work with scientific experts and have access to cutting-edge instrumentation.

IRAMIS has 11 joint laboratories, including 8 funded by the ANR LabCom program.