Iramis Ecosystem

The Joint Research Units (UMRs) at IRAMIS come under several supervisory bodies:

  • CIMAP: UMR 6252, CEA, CNRS/INP, Université de Caen, EnsiCaen
  • LIDYL: CEA. LIDYL also hosts a joint CEA-CNRS research team and a joint team with the Université de Cergy Pontoise
  • LSI: UMR 7642, CEA – CNRS/INP – École Polytechnique
  • SPEC: UMR 3680, CEA – CNRS/INC

Each Unit is also surrounded by an academic structure:

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Université Paris-Saclay, for LLB, LIDYL, NIMBE and SPEC

Institut Polytechnique (IPP) for LSI

Université de Caen and EnsiCaen, for CIMAP (who are also tutelles)

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Université Paris-Saclay

Like other organizations (CNRS, INRIA, ONERA, etc.), CEA is an associate member of Université Paris-Saclay , and as such is a privileged partner.
In addition to collaborating with various University laboratories, IRAMIS teams in Saclay are involved in teaching and training through research (internships, theses, PDocs); they play an active role in the running and coordination of certain Graduate Schools (GS Physics, Chemistry, SIS, ISL) and Interdisciplinary Objects (PSiNano, Quantum, IES, InanoTheRad, 2IM, BioProbe , etc.)

Institut Polytechnique

The mixed research unit LSI is attached to the CEA, the CNRS and the École Polytechnique (EP), which has been the laboratory’s host institution since 1987, when it moved from the CEA Fontenay aux Roses site to the École Polytechnique in Palaiseau.

The LSI is one of 23 laboratories making up the École Polytechnique research center. It is attached to the physics department and is now part of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris (IPP), a public higher education and research establishment that brings together five French engineering Grandes Écoles: École Polytechnique, ENSTA Paris, ENSAE Paris, Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis.

Research at the Institut Polytechnique de Paris is based on the recognized expertise of its schools in ten major disciplines: Biology; Chemistry and Processes; Economics; Information; Communication and Electronics; Computing, Data and AI; Mathematics; Mechanics and Energy; Physics; Humanities, Arts, Literature and Languages; Social Sciences and Management.

Université Caen / ENSICAEN

CIMAP is administratively linked to four partner institutions. It is located on 3 sites: part of the laboratory is hosted by the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen (ENSICAEN), part is located on the GANIL campus (Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds) and the last site is on the campus of the IUT d’Alençon.

CIMAP is a CNRS research unit (UMR 6252) linked to the Institute of Physics (INP, primary) and the Institute of Chemistry (INC, secondary). It is also a CEA unit linked to the Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale (DRF) through the Institut Rayonnement-Matière de Saclay (IRAMIS). Finally, CIMAP is linked to the Université de Caen (UCN) and ENSICAEN, giving it a strong involvement in higher education.