Job description
A two-year postdoc position is available in the SPHYNX[1] group of the SPEC[2] unit at CEA Saclay[3]. It is part of a project with CEA-NIMBE’s[4] LIONS[5] group, to develop a new class of ultralight mechanical metamaterials with random architectures optimized to deliver a novel set of mechanical performances, particularly for energy applications. It is supported by the CEA as part of its Audace program, and by the PEPR DIADEM[6] as part of the targeted ADAM project[7]. Funding is expected to be for two years (one year renewable once).
The successful candidate will be responsible for:
- Develop the numerical and analytical tools required to design these tunable random architectures and predict the mechanical behavior of the resulting metamaterials (elastic moduli, yield strength, toughness).
- Use these tools to develop new brick-and-mortar architectures inspired by osteoderms, combining lightness, hardness, and toughness in unprecedented ways.
She/he will play a central role in directing and carrying out the above program, drawing on the skills present in the two partner groups. More generally, she/he will also benefit from the ecosystem developed around the PEPR DIADEM and the ADAM project. Its results will be disseminated via scientific publications, conference presentations, and even patenting if the application potential lends itself to this.
[1]Systèmes Physiques Hors-équilibres, hYdrodynamique, éNergie et compleXité
[2] UMR CEA-CNRS Service de Physique de l’État Condensé,
[3] French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission,
[4]UMR CEA-CNRS Nanosciences et Innovation pour les Matériaux, la Biomédecine et l’Énergie),
[5]Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire sur l’Organisation Nanométrique et Supramoléculaire,
[6]Priority research program and equipment on the development of Integrated Devices for Accelerating the Deployment of Emerging Materials,
[7]Accelerated Design of Architectural Materials
Required profile:
With a PhD in physics or mechanical engineering, the successful candidate will have acquired solid skills in the mathematical and numerical methods developed in solid and structural mechanics. In the course of their previous experience, they will have developed knowledge in one or more areas of non-linear physics or solid mechanics, such as fracture mechanics, deformation and buckling of slender structures, mechanical instabilities, or architectural materials.
Curious and creative by nature, the successful candidate will have a keen interest in conducting collaborative research in an interdisciplinary environment involving students, researchers, technicians, and students with diverse skills.
The successful candidate will have demonstrated writing skills, in writing articles in particular.
Practical aspects:
This postdoctoral research position is funded for two years (one year renewable) with a March/June 2025 start date (to be defined with the successful candidate). Salary level will depend on the experience of the candidate recruited (post-docs who have just completed their thesis are very welcome). It will take place at CEA Saclay’s Orme des Merisiers center, located on the Université Paris-Saclay site, 25 km south of Paris, and easily accessible by public transport.
How to apply:
Candidates should send their application by email to Daniel Bonamy, Valérie Geertsen, and Patrick Guenoun (, , The application includes a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a list of two references to contact (at least two)
Contact : M. Daniel Bonamy, +33 1 69 08 21 14,