Domain, specialty: OPTIQUE
Keywords: Physique des lasers, optique non-linéaire
Unité d’accueil : LIDYL
The BBO nonlinear crystal has excellent linear and quadratic nonlinear optical properties for ultraviolet frequency conversion. However, the average power rise is currently limited by cubic non-linear effects such as two-photon absorption and the optical Kerr effect. We propose to experimentally revisit these limitations in a particular geometry in order to minimize these deleterious effects in the common case of frequency doubling at 532 nm.
Sujet détaillé
This project is part of the CLOE joint laboratory with Cristal-Laser, the only European manufacturer of non-linear optical crystals for frequency conversion. The trainee will be involved in the implementation and characterization of neodymium laser amplifiers. They will then design, simulate, implement and optimize two cascaded frequency converter stages.
CEA-Saclay , 91 Essonne, France
- Internship duration: 5 months
- Required level of study : Bac+5
- Training : Engineer/Master
- Thesis possible: Yes
- Application deadline: March 10, 2025
Langue : Anglais
Tél. : +33 169 085 961
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