Plasmonic-assisted laser harmonics in crystals
The PACHA project aims to explain the electronic mechanisms involved in the generation of high-order harmonics in crystals.

In addition, with a view to using this radiation for experimental applications (because of its spatio-temporal properties (short duration, spatial coherence, short wavelength) harmonic radiation is very interesting for multiple fundamental and applied applications), the project explores different strategies for locally increasing laser illuminances.
In this way, more compact and less complex laser systems can be implemented.
Two distinct avenues are being explored: coupling laser pulses with resonant plasmonic structures, and guiding pulses in dielectric structures.
The PACHA project is an ANR project of the JCJC type
It has nevertheless benefited from the support of numerous partners in France (CEA/SPEC, ISMO, IOGS, XLIM) and abroad (ICFO – Spain, Leibniz Universität Hannover – Germany)
This project has received funding from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche under convention ANR-17-CE30-0008-01.
Project leader: Willem BOUTU