CEA-IRAMIS Institute : a host institution for the achievement of your Marie Curie Postdoc Fellowships (MSCA-PF)

CEA-DRF (Fundamental Research within the CEA) is a great choice of host institution for the achievement of a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoc Fellowships (MSCA-PF) project. Indeed, CEA relies on an outstanding fundamental research that makes it a special figure within the European Research Technology Organizations (RTO). And CEA/DRF have a great experience of the MSCA-PF with one of the highest success rate (21%) for this call over the last ten years.​ See the CEA support offer.

Within CEA-DRF, the Iramis institute cover many skills (physics, chemistry, materials, condensed matter, nanosciences, complex systems, light-matter interactions, etc.) in multiple fields of expertise (extreme laser light pulses, NMR, neutron and X-ray scattering and diffraction, detectors, imaging, AI, modeling, simulation, signal and data processing, etc.). Listen, for instance, to the testimonial of Constant Schouder, Post-doc at IRAMIS/LIDYL, and his supervisor Pascal Salières.