Prix 2018 de la conference IUPAC & NMS (Guangzhou, China) à Fabien Silly de l’IRAMIS/SPEC

Prix 2018 de la conference IUPAC & NMS (Guangzhou, China) à Fabien Silly de l’IRAMIS/SPEC


Le comité d'organisation de la 14th conférence IUPAC-NMS “International Union of Pure Chemistry – Novel Materials and their Synthesis” à Guangzhou, Chine, a décerné son prix 2018 à Fabien Silly de l’IRAMIS/SPEC, pour ses “contributions remarquables à l'ingénierie de nanoarchitectures 2D à l'échelle atomique”.

Fabien Silly, from IRAMIS/SPEC received the “Distinguished Award 2018 for Novel Materials and their Synthesis” by the International Union of Pure Chemistry & the organization committee of the 14th international conference “Novel Materials and their Synthesis – IUPAC & NMS”, Guangzhou, China, 24th October 2018, for his “outstanding contributions to 2D nanoarchitecture engineering at the atomic scale”.