

The microfluidics is the science and technology of systems that process or manipulate small amounts of fluids (nanoliter to attoliter), using channels with dimensions of tens to hundreds of micrometers. Since a decade microfluidics is become a powerful tool for fundamental and applied researches. Microfluidics influence subject areas from chemical synthesis and biological analysis to optics and information technology.


Since recent years, we use microfluidics in our experimental research. The flexibility of this tool allows to address i- fundamental problems of chemistry such as the nucleation / growth of nanoparticles or the extraction of salts in liquid-liquid phase ii-physics problems with interfaces, among other things, the development of a model system of Pickering emulsion iii- and also more applied research on the development of microfluidic chips for medical research/diagnosis. All these topics are involved in national and internal research programs. One of the key objectives is to adapt these tools for in-situ measurements on large instruments. A partnership is underway with the SOLEIL synchrotron to develop a common synergy around microfluidics. Our researchers contribute with their microfluidics expertise to develop new manufacturing processes for chip compatible with synchrotron radiation.

#1891 - Last update : 10/30 2012
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Research The group's current fields of interest are the following: Nanomaterials: In our laboratory, we synthesize and characterize low dimensionality materials (0, 1 and 2D), by all means necessary and available.
Emulsions of two immiscible fluids stabilized with solids particles, called Pickering emulsion, have been studied since the early twentieth century and the pioneering works of Ramsden[1] and Pickering[2] The irreversible adsorption of particles at the interface of the two phases gives original properties of these emulsions.

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