Laboratoire Léon Brillouin

UMR12 CEA-CNRS, Bât. 563 CEA Saclay

91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France


BD diffusons les neutrons

Faits marquants scientifiques 2023

23 octobre 2023
Dans un article publié dans ACS Macro Letters, une équipe de physico-chimistes décrit une nouvelle approche qui utilise les neutrons et la lumière pour suivre in situ l’autoassemblage de polymères amphiphiles dans des conditions proches de l’équilibre. Ces résultats ouvrent de nombreuses possibilités pour observer et mieux comprendre l’organisation de macromolécules biologiques ou synthétiques complexes en milieu aqueux.


30 juillet 2023

I. V. Golosovsky, I. A. Kibalin, A. Gukasov, A. G. Roca, A. López-Ortega, M. Estrader, M. Vasilakaki, K. N. Trohidou, T. C. Hansen, I. Puente-Orench, E. Lelièvre-Berna, J. Nogués

Heterogeneous bi-magnetic nanostructured systems have had a sustained interest during the last decades owing to their unique magnetic properties and the wide range of derived potential applications. However, elucidating the details of their magnetic properties can be rather complex. Here, a comprehensive study of Fe3O4/Mn3O4 core/shell nanoparticles using polarized neutron powder diffraction, which allows disentangling the magnetic contributions of each of the components, is presented. The results show that while at low fields the Fe3O4 and Mn3O4 magnetic moments averaged over the unit cell are antiferromagnetically coupled, at high fields, they orient parallel to each other. This magnetic reorientation of the Mn3O4 shell moments is associated with a gradual evolution with the applied field of the local magnetic susceptibility from anisotropic to isotropic. Additionally, the magnetic coherence length of the Fe3O4 cores shows some unusual field dependence due to the competition between the antiferromagnetic interface interaction and the Zeeman energies. The results demonstrate the great potential of the quantitative analysis of polarized neutron powder diffraction for the study of complex multiphase magnetic materials.


02 mai 2023

Céline JAUDOIN, Isabelle GRILLO, Fabrice COUSIN, Maria GEHRKE, Malika OULDALI, Ana-Andreea ARTENI, Luc PICTON, Christophe RIHOUEY, Fanny SIMELIERE, Amélie BOCHOT, Florence AGNELY

Mixtures of hyaluronic acid (HA) with liposomes lead to hybrid colloid–polymer systems with a great interest in drug delivery. However, little is known about their microstructure. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) is a valuable tool to characterize these systems in the semi-dilute entangled regime (1.5% HA) at high liposome concentration (80 mM lipids). The objective was to elucidate the influence of liposome surface (neutral, cationic, anionic or anionic PEGylated), drug encapsulation and HA concentration in a buffer mimicking biological fluids (37 °C). First, liposomes were characterized by SANS, cryo-electron microscopy, and dynamic light scattering and HA by SANS, size exclusion chromatography, and rheology. Secondly, HA-liposome mixtures were studied by SANS. In HA, liposomes kept their integrity. Anionic and PEGylated liposomes were in close contact within dense clusters with an amorphous organization. The center-to-center distance between liposomes corresponded to twice their diameter. A depletion mechanism could explain these findings. Encapsulation of a corticoid did not modify this organization. Cationic liposomes formed less dense aggregates and were better dispersed due to their complexation with HA. Liposome surface governed the interactions and microstructure of these hybrid systems.


13 octobre 2023

Antoine Cossa, Sylvain Trépout, Frank Wien, Johannes Groen, Etienne Le Brun, Florian Turbant, Laetitia Besse, Eva Pereiro, Véronique Arluison

The bacterial chromosomic DNA is packed within a membrane-less structure, the nucleoid, due to the association of DNA with proteins called Nucleoid Associated Proteins (NAPs). Among these NAPs, Hfq is one of the most intriguing as it plays both direct and indirect roles on DNA structure. Indeed, Hfq is best known to mediate post-transcriptional regulation by using small noncoding RNA (sRNA). Although Hfq presence in the nucleoid has been demonstrated for years, its precise role is still unclear. Recently, it has been shown in vitro that Hfq forms amyloid-like structures through its C-terminal region, hence belonging to the bridging family of NAPs. Here, using cryo soft X-ray tomography imaging of native unlabeled cells and using a semi-automatic analysis and segmentation procedure, we show that Hfq significantly remodels the Escherichia coli nucleoid. More specifically, Hfq influences nucleoid density especially during the stationary growth phase when it is more abundant. Our results indicate that Hfq could regulate nucleoid compaction directly via its interaction with DNA, but also at the post-transcriptional level via its interaction with RNAs. Taken together, our findings reveal a new role for this protein in nucleoid remodeling in vivo, that may serve in response to stress conditions and in adapting to changing environments.

06 juillet 2023

Simeon Minic, Burkhard Annighöfer, Milos Milcic, François Maignen, Annie Brûlet, Sophie Combet

Apomyoglobin (apoMb), a model protein in biochemistry, exhibits a strong propensity to bind various ligands, which makes it a good candidate as a carrier of bioactive hydrophobic drugs. The stability of its hydrophobic pocket determines its potential as a carrier of bioactive compounds. High pressure (HP) is a potent tool for studying protein stability, revealing the specific role of hydrophobic cavities in unfolding. We probed the effects of biliverdin (BV) binding and its complex with Zn2+ ions on the structure and HP stability of apoMb. CD spectroscopy and SAXS measurements revealed that BV and BV-Zn2+ complexes make the apoMb structure more compact with higher α-helical content. We performed in situ HP measurements of apoMb intrinsic fluorescence to demonstrate the ability of BV to stabilise apoMb structure at HP conditions. Furthermore, the presence of Zn2+ within the apoMb-BV complex significantly enhances the BV stabilisation effect. In situ visible absorption study of BV chromophore confirmed the ability of Zn2+ to increase the stability of apoMb-BV complex under HP: the onset of complex dissociation is shifted by ∼100 MPa in presence of Zn2+. By combining HP-fluorescence and HP-visible absorption spectroscopy, our strategy highlights the crucial role of tetrapyrrole-metal complexes in stabilising apoMb hydrophobic pocket.

13 juin 2023

Somia Haouache, Yu Chen, Clara Jimenez-Saelices, Fabrice Cousin, Pan Chen, Yoshiharu Nishiyama, François Jerome, and Isabelle Capron

Nanocelluloses can be used to stabilize oil–water surfaces, forming so-called Pickering emulsions. In this work, we compare the organization of native and mercerized cellulose nanocrystals (CNC-I and CNC-II) adsorbed on the surface of hexadecane droplets dispersed in water at different CNC concentrations. Both types of CNCs have an elongated particle morphology and form a layer strongly adsorbed at the interface. However, while the layer thickness formed with CNC-I is independent of the concentration at 7 nm, CNC-II forms a layer ranging from 9 to 14 nm thick with increasing concentration, as determined using small-angle neutron scattering with contrast-matched experiments. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations showed a preferred interacting crystallographic plane for both crystalline allomorphs that exposes the CH groups (100 and 010) and is therefore considered hydrophobic. Furthermore, this study suggests that whatever the allomorph, the migration of CNCs to the oil–water interface is spontaneous and irreversible and is driven by both enthalpic and entropic processes.


19 février 2023

Florian Turbant, Jehan Waeytens, Camille Campidelli, Marianne Bombled, Denis Martinez, Axelle Grélard, Birgit Habenstein, Vincent Raussens, Marisela Velez, Frank Wien, Véronique Arluison

Hfq is a pleiotropic regulator that mediates several aspects of bacterial RNA metabolism. The protein notably regulates translation efficiency and RNA decay in Gram-negative bacteria, usually via its interaction with small regulatory RNAs. Previously, we showed that the Hfq C-terminal region forms an amyloid-like structure and that these fibrils interact with membranes. The immediate consequence of this interaction is a disruption of the membrane, but the effect on Hfq structure was unknown. To investigate details of the mechanism of interaction, the present work uses different in vitro biophysical approaches. We show that the Hfq C-terminal region influences membrane integrity and, conversely, that the membrane specifically affects the amyloid assembly. The reported effect of this bacterial master regulator on membrane integrity is discussed in light of the possible consequence on small regulatory RNA-based regulation.

27 janvier 2023

Sophie Combet, Françoise Bonneté, Stéphanie Finet, Alexandre Pozza, Christelle Saade, Anne Martel, Alexandros Koutsioubas, Jean-Jacques Lacapère, Biochimie (2022) in press.

The translocator protein (TSPO) is a ubiquitous transmembrane protein of great pharmacological interest thanks to its high affinity to many drug ligands. The only high-resolution 3D-structure known for mammalian TSPO was obtained by NMR for the mouse mTSPO in DPC detergent only in presence of the high-affinity PK 11195 ligand. An atomic structure of free-ligand mTSPO is still missing to better understand the interaction of ligands with mTSPO and their effects on the protein conformation.

20 avril 2023

Les clusters métalliques dans la gamme de 10-300 atomes (diamètre 1 à 2 nm) forment une classe spécifique de matériaux dont les propriétés dépendent fortement de leur taille en raison de la discrétisation de leurs niveaux d’énergie. Cette spécificité leur apporte des propriétés originales pouvant ouvrir de multiples applications dans des dispositifs électroniques, optiques ou catalytiques. Ces applications exigent cependant d’exploiter la réponse collective d'assemblages, avec une organisation contrôlée de ces clusters, dont le plus prometteur, bien que difficile à réaliser, requiert la formation de films minces organisés à grande échelle.

L'équipe du LLB en collaboration avec le Département de Chimie-Physique de Genève, a ainsi étudié la formation et le dépôt de films minces de nanoclusters d’or stabilisés par un thiolate (Au38-R), par la technique de Langmuir-Blodgett (LB), afin d'obtenir des films bien organisés à grande échelle. Les propriétés structurales des films déposés sont caractérisées par la réflectivité de rayons-X, et les propriétés mécaniques sont sondées quantitativement par une technique originale : la microscopie à force atomique bimodale, à double cantilevers de rigidité contrastée.

01 décembre 2023

Anne-Charlotte Le Gulluche, Guylaine Ducouret, Ludovic Olanier, Annie Brûlet, Olivier Sanseau, Paul Sotta, and Alba Marcellan

Model hybrid hydrogels reinforced by silica nanoparticles were designed by polymerizing and cross-linking the gels in situ. The polymer–particle interactions were tuned by using either poly(dimethylacrylamide) (PDMA), which adsorbs on silica, or poly(acrylamide) (PAAm), which does not. Besides, the dispersion state of silica nanoparticles was tuned from well-dispersed to aggregated by changing the pH from 9, which ensures repulsive interactions between nanoparticles and good dispersion state, to about 6, which affects the surface chemistry of silica and promotes aggregation. The dispersion states were characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The mechanical behavior of hybrid gels with aggregated nanoparticles is markedly different from those where silica is well-dispersed within the matrix. PDMA-based hybrid gels display pronounced nonlinear behavior, somehow similar to those observed in filled elastomers. The nonlinearities are even more pronounced in gels with aggregated particles, with strong strain stiffening along with large dissipation. For those samples, reinforcement can be attributed to the combination of both reversible interactions between PDMA and silica nanoparticles, which provide strain stiffening and recovery, and the response of the silica network. Recovery processes observed in hybrid gels with dispersed particles are preserved when silica particles are aggregated, but the characteristic time needed to fully recover the mechanical response is extended from a few seconds to several hours. In PAAm-based hybrid gels with aggregated silica nanoparticles, no recovery processes are observed. This implies that the properties, namely, the very high linear tensile modulus and high dissipated energy, are driven by the rigid network formed by nanoparticle aggregation, which provides high dissipative capabilities, especially when compared to PAAm-based hybrid gels with dispersed silica, that remain soft and fragile. These gels exhibit a quite inhomogeneous structure, with permanent damage under elongation. The nonlinear dynamical behavior of hybrid gels was investigated by large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) experiments. While unfilled gels show no nonlinearity up to very large strain amplitude, marked nonlinear effects combining a drop in modulus (similar to the Payne effect) and strain stiffening for increasing strain amplitude are observed in PDMA-based hybrid gels, certainly due to polymer adsorption onto nanoparticles. PAAm-based hybrid gels also show nonlinearity, with a drop in modulus for increasing strain but no strain stiffening, indicating that the presence of fillers alone can induce nonlinearity in the absence of strong, reversible polymer–particle interactions. PAAm-based hybrid gels with aggregated silica show very high stiffness and high dissipative properties at the expense of stretchability, though. Also, the structure seems to be permanently damaged under stress, revealing the importance of silica–polymer interactions for permanent mechanical reinforcement. Altogether, the analysis of the nonlinear behavior indicates the importance of combining dynamic adsorption of polymer chains on silica nanoparticles with mechanical reinforcement provided by the silica network.



01 décembre 2023

Anne-Charlotte Le Gulluche, Guylaine Ducouret, Ludovic Olanier, Annie Brûlet, Olivier Sanseau, Paul Sotta, and Alba Marcellan

Model hybrid hydrogels reinforced by silica nanoparticles were designed by polymerizing and cross-linking the gels in situ. The polymer–particle interactions were tuned by using either poly(dimethylacrylamide) (PDMA), which adsorbs on silica, or poly(acrylamide) (PAAm), which does not. Besides, the dispersion state of silica nanoparticles was tuned from well-dispersed to aggregated by changing the pH from 9, which ensures repulsive interactions between nanoparticles and good dispersion state, to about 6, which affects the surface chemistry of silica and promotes aggregation. The dispersion states were characterized by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The mechanical behavior of hybrid gels with aggregated nanoparticles is markedly different from those where silica is well-dispersed within the matrix. PDMA-based hybrid gels display pronounced nonlinear behavior, somehow similar to those observed in filled elastomers. The nonlinearities are even more pronounced in gels with aggregated particles, with strong strain stiffening along with large dissipation. For those samples, reinforcement can be attributed to the combination of both reversible interactions between PDMA and silica nanoparticles, which provide strain stiffening and recovery, and the response of the silica network. Recovery processes observed in hybrid gels with dispersed particles are preserved when silica particles are aggregated, but the characteristic time needed to fully recover the mechanical response is extended from a few seconds to several hours. In PAAm-based hybrid gels with aggregated silica nanoparticles, no recovery processes are observed. This implies that the properties, namely, the very high linear tensile modulus and high dissipated energy, are driven by the rigid network formed by nanoparticle aggregation, which provides high dissipative capabilities, especially when compared to PAAm-based hybrid gels with dispersed silica, that remain soft and fragile. These gels exhibit a quite inhomogeneous structure, with permanent damage under elongation. The nonlinear dynamical behavior of hybrid gels was investigated by large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) experiments. While unfilled gels show no nonlinearity up to very large strain amplitude, marked nonlinear effects combining a drop in modulus (similar to the Payne effect) and strain stiffening for increasing strain amplitude are observed in PDMA-based hybrid gels, certainly due to polymer adsorption onto nanoparticles. PAAm-based hybrid gels also show nonlinearity, with a drop in modulus for increasing strain but no strain stiffening, indicating that the presence of fillers alone can induce nonlinearity in the absence of strong, reversible polymer–particle interactions. PAAm-based hybrid gels with aggregated silica show very high stiffness and high dissipative properties at the expense of stretchability, though. Also, the structure seems to be permanently damaged under stress, revealing the importance of silica–polymer interactions for permanent mechanical reinforcement. Altogether, the analysis of the nonlinear behavior indicates the importance of combining dynamic adsorption of polymer chains on silica nanoparticles with mechanical reinforcement provided by the silica network.



22 décembre 2023

V. Balédent, A. Vaunat, S. Petit, L. Nataf, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Raymond, and P. Foury-Leylekian

In this paper, we investigate the physical properties of the type-II multiferroic GdMn2O5 material by means of neutron scattering, electric polarization, and magnetization measurements. A complex (T,H) phase diagram shows up, with especially a field-induced magnetic transition around 11 T at low temperature. The high-field phase is accompanied by an additional electric polarization along both the a and b directions, as authorized by symmetry, but never observed experimentally up to now. While the magnetic properties recover their initial states after driving the field back to zero, the polarization along a shows a significant increase. This behavior is observed for all directions of the magnetic field. It constitutes a novel and striking manifestation of the magnetoelectric coupling, resulting in the establishment of a new ground state at zero magnetic field.

21 septembre 2023

Ellen Fogh, Bastian Klemke, Manfred Reehuis, Philippe Bourges, Christof Niedermayer, Sonja Holm-Dahlin, Oksana Zaharko, Jürg Schefer, Andreas B. Kristensen, Michael K. Sørensen, Sebastian Paeckel, Kasper S. Pedersen, Rasmus E. Hansen, Alexandre Pages, Kimmie K. Moerner, Giulia Meucci, Jian-Rui Soh, Alessandro Bombardi, David Vaknin, Henrik. M. Rønnow, Olav F. Syljuåsen, Niels B. Christensen and Rasmus Toft-Petersen

Control of magnetization and electric polarization is attractive in relation to tailoring materials for data storage and devices such as sensors or antennae. In magnetoelectric materials, these degrees of freedom are closely coupled, allowing polarization to be controlled by a magnetic field, and magnetization by an electric field, but the magnitude of the effect remains a challenge in the case of single-phase magnetoelectrics for applications. We demonstrate that the magnetoelectric properties of the mixed-anisotropy antiferromagnet LiNi1−xFexPO4 are profoundly affected by partial substitution of Ni2+ ions with Fe2+ on the transition metal site. This introduces random site-dependent single-ion anisotropy energies and causes a lowering of the magnetic symmetry of the system. In turn, magnetoelectric couplings that are symmetry-forbidden in the parent compounds, LiNiPO4 and LiFePO4, are unlocked and the dominant coupling is enhanced by almost two orders of magnitude. Our results demonstrate the potential of mixed-anisotropy magnets for tuning magnetoelectric properties.

30 juillet 2023

I. V. Golosovsky, I. A. Kibalin, A. Gukasov, A. G. Roca, A. López-Ortega, M. Estrader, M. Vasilakaki, K. N. Trohidou, T. C. Hansen, I. Puente-Orench, E. Lelièvre-Berna, J. Nogués

Heterogeneous bi-magnetic nanostructured systems have had a sustained interest during the last decades owing to their unique magnetic properties and the wide range of derived potential applications. However, elucidating the details of their magnetic properties can be rather complex. Here, a comprehensive study of Fe3O4/Mn3O4 core/shell nanoparticles using polarized neutron powder diffraction, which allows disentangling the magnetic contributions of each of the components, is presented. The results show that while at low fields the Fe3O4 and Mn3O4 magnetic moments averaged over the unit cell are antiferromagnetically coupled, at high fields, they orient parallel to each other. This magnetic reorientation of the Mn3O4 shell moments is associated with a gradual evolution with the applied field of the local magnetic susceptibility from anisotropic to isotropic. Additionally, the magnetic coherence length of the Fe3O4 cores shows some unusual field dependence due to the competition between the antiferromagnetic interface interaction and the Zeeman energies. The results demonstrate the great potential of the quantitative analysis of polarized neutron powder diffraction for the study of complex multiphase magnetic materials.


02 mai 2023

Céline JAUDOIN, Isabelle GRILLO, Fabrice COUSIN, Maria GEHRKE, Malika OULDALI, Ana-Andreea ARTENI, Luc PICTON, Christophe RIHOUEY, Fanny SIMELIERE, Amélie BOCHOT, Florence AGNELY

Mixtures of hyaluronic acid (HA) with liposomes lead to hybrid colloid–polymer systems with a great interest in drug delivery. However, little is known about their microstructure. Small angle neutron scattering (SANS) is a valuable tool to characterize these systems in the semi-dilute entangled regime (1.5% HA) at high liposome concentration (80 mM lipids). The objective was to elucidate the influence of liposome surface (neutral, cationic, anionic or anionic PEGylated), drug encapsulation and HA concentration in a buffer mimicking biological fluids (37 °C). First, liposomes were characterized by SANS, cryo-electron microscopy, and dynamic light scattering and HA by SANS, size exclusion chromatography, and rheology. Secondly, HA-liposome mixtures were studied by SANS. In HA, liposomes kept their integrity. Anionic and PEGylated liposomes were in close contact within dense clusters with an amorphous organization. The center-to-center distance between liposomes corresponded to twice their diameter. A depletion mechanism could explain these findings. Encapsulation of a corticoid did not modify this organization. Cationic liposomes formed less dense aggregates and were better dispersed due to their complexation with HA. Liposome surface governed the interactions and microstructure of these hybrid systems.


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