Publications, thesis manuscripts, oral communications, posters… of the Quantronics group are also on the HAL “Open science” database.
Noise Mitigation in Single Microwave Photon Counting by Cascaded Quantum Measurements, Alexandre S. May, Leo Sutevski, Jeanne Solard, Gil Cardoso, Léon Carde, Louis Pallegoix, Raphael Lescanne, Denis Vion, Patrice Bertet, Emmanuel Flurin,
arXiv:2502.14804 - Enhancing the sensitivity of single microwave photon detection with bandwidth tunability, Louis Pallegoix, Jaime Travesedo, Alexandre S. May, Léo Balembois, Denis Vion, Patrice Bertet, Emmanuel Flurin, arXiv:2501.07354
- Individual solid-state nuclear spin qubits with coherence exceeding seconds, James O’Sullivan, Jaime Travesedo, Louis Pallegoix, Zhiyuan W. Huang, Alexande May, Boris Yavkin, Patrick Hogan, Sen Lin, Renbao Liu, Thierry Chaneliere, Sylvain Bertaina, Philippe Goldner, Daniel Esteve, Denis Vion, Patrick Abgrall, Patrice Bertet, Emmanuel Flurin, arXiv:2410.10432
- All-microwave readout, spectroscopy, and dynamic polarization of individual nuclear spins in a crystal, J. Travesedo, J. O’Sullivan, L. Pallegoix, Z. W. Huang, P. Hogan, P. Goldner, T. Chaneliere, S. Bertaina, D. Esteve, P. Abgrall, D. Vion, E. Flurin, P. Bertet, arXiv:2408.14282
- Quantum-enhanced sensing of axion dark matter with a transmon-based single microwave photon counter, C. Braggio, L. Balembois, R. Di Vora, Z. Wang, J. Travesedo, L. Pallegoix, G. Carugno, A. Ortolan, G. Ruoso, U. Gambardella, D. D’Agostino, P. Bertet, E. Flurin, arXiv:2403.02321
- Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of a scheelite crystal using microwave-photon counting, E. Billaud, L. Balembois, J. Travesedo, M. Le Dantec, M. Rančić, E. Albertinale, R. Truong, S. Bertaina, T. Chanelière, P. Goldner, D. Estève, D. Vion, E. Flurin, P. Bertet, arXiv:2402.03102, Phys. Rev. Research 7, 013011 (2025).
- Spectral signatures of non-trivial topology in a superconducting circuit, L. Peyruchat, R. H. Rodriguez, J.-L. Smirr, R. Leone, Ç. Ö. Girit, Phys. Rev. X 14 041041 (2024). arxiv:2401.10876
Single-electron spin resonance detection by microwave photon counting, Z. Wang, L. Balembois, M. Rančić, E. Billaud, M. Le Dantec, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, S. Bertaina, T. Chanelière, D. Esteve, D. Vion, P. Bertet & E. Flurin,
Nature 619, 276 (2023). arXiv:2301.02653. - Cyclically Operated Microwave Single-Photon Counter with Sensitivity of 10−22W/√Hz, L. Balembois, J. Travesedo, L. Pallegoix, A. May, E. Billaud, M. Villiers, D. Estève, D. Vion, P. Bertet, and E. Flurin, Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 014043 (2024), arXiv:2307.03614
- Effects of the measurement power on states discrimination and dynamics in a circuit-QED experiment, L. Tosi, I. Lobato, M. F. Goffman, C. Metzger, C. Urbina, H. Pothier, arXiv:2310.04556, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023299 (2024).
- Microwave fluorescence detection of spin echoes, Eric Billaud, Leo Balembois, Marianne Le Dantec, Milos Rančić, Emanuele Albertinale, Sylvain Bertaina, Thierry Chanelière, Philippe Goldner, Daniel Estève, Denis Vion, Patrice Bertet, Emmanuel Flurin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 100804 (2023), arXiv:2208.13586
- Ground state phase diagram and “parity flipping” microwave transitions in a gate-tunable Josephson Junction, M. R. Sahu, F. J. Matute-Cañadas, M. Benito, P. Krogstrup, J. Nygård, M. F. Goffman, C. Urbina, A. Levy Yeyati, H. Pothier, Phys. Rev. B 109, 134506 (2024), arXiv:2312.12914
- Absence of a dissipative quantum phase transition in Josephson junctions: Theory, Carles Altimiras, Daniel Esteve, Çağlar Girit, Hélène le Sueur, Philippe Joyez, arXiv:2312.14754
- Emission of photon multiplets by a dc-biased superconducting circuit, G. C. Ménard, A. Peugeot, C. Padurariu, C. Rolland, B. Kubala, Y. Mukharsky, Z. Iftikhar, C. Altimiras, P. Roche, H. le Sueur, P. Joyez, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J. Ankerhold, F. Portier, Phys. Rev. X 12, 021006 (2022). See also arXiv:2111.09604,
- Electron-spin spectral diffusion in an erbium doped crystal at millikelvin temperatures, Milos Rančić, Marianne Le Dantec, Sen Lin, Sylvain Bertaina, Thierry Chanelière, Diana Serrano, Philippe Goldner, Ren Bao Liu, Emmanuel Flurin, Daniel Estève, Denis Vion, Patrice Bertet, Phys. Rev. B 106, 144412 (2022). See also arXiv:2203.15012,
- On the nature of decoherence in quantum circuits: Revealing the structural motif of the surface radicals in α-Al2O3, Sun Un, Sebastian de Graaf, Patrice Bertet, Sergey Kubatkin, Andrey Danilov, Sci. Adv. 8, eabm6169 (2022)
- Spin echo silencing using a current-biased frequency-tunable resonator, V. Ranjan, Y. Wen, A. K. V. Keyser, S. E. Kubatkin, A. V. Danilov, T. Lindström, P. Bertet, S. E. de Graaf, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 180504 (2022). See also arXiv:2206.04488
- Strongly Nonlinear Superconducting Silicon Resonators, P. Bonnet, F. Chiodi, D. Flanigan, R. Delagrange, N. Brochu, D. Débarre, and H. le Sueur, Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 034057 (2022). arXiv:2101.11125
- Determining the position of a single spin relative to a nanostructure, J.-F. DaSilva Barbosa, M. Lee, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, P. Jamonneau, Y. Kubo, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, T. Teraji, D. Vion, D. Esteve, R. Heeres, P. Bertet, arXiv:2011.09968, Journal of Applied Physics 129, 144301 (2021)
- Generating two continuous entangled microwave beams using a dc-biased Josephson junction, A. Peugeot, G. Ménard, S. Dambach, M. Westig, B. Kubala, Y. Mukharsky, C. Altimiras, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, P. Milman, J. Leppäkangas, G. Johansson, M. Hofheinz, J. Ankerhold, F. Portier, arXiv:2010.03376, Phys. Rev. X 11, 031008 (2021).
- Spatially-resolved decoherence of donor spins in silicon strained by a metallic electrode, V. Ranjan, B. Albanese, E. Albertinale, E. Billaud, D. Flanigan, J. J. Pla, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, E. Flurin, J. J. L. Morton, Y. M. Niquet, P. Bertet, arXiv:2101.04391, Phys. Rev. X 11, 031036 (2021)
- Detecting spins with a microwave photon counter, Emanuele Albertinale, Léo Balembois, Eric Billaud, Vishal Ranjan, Daniel Flanigan, Thomas Schenkel, Daniel Estève, Denis Vion, Patrice Bertet, Emmanuel Flurin, Nature 600, 434 (2021). See also arXiv:2102.01415
- Twenty-three millisecond electron spin coherence of erbium ions in a natural-abundance crystal, Marianne Le Dantec, Miloš Rančić, Sen Lin, Eric Billaud, Vishal Ranjan, Daniel Flanigan, Sylvain Bertaina, Thierry Chanelière, Philippe Goldner, Andreas Erb, Ren Bao Liu, Daniel Estève, Denis Vion, Emmanuel Flurin, Patrice Bertet, Science Advances 7, eabj9786 (2021), See also arXiv:2106.14974
- Signatures of interactions in the Andreev spectrum of nanowire Josephson junctions, F. J. Matute Cañadas, C. Metzger, Sunghun Park, L. Tosi, P. Krogstrup, J. Nygård, M. F. Goffman, C. Urbina, H. Pothier, A. Levy Yeyati, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 197702 (2022). See also arXiv:2112.05625.
- Radiative cooling of a spin ensemble, Bartolo Albanese, Sebastian Probst, Vishal Ranjan, Cristoph Zollitsch, Marek Pechal, Andreas Wallraff, John Morton, Denis Vion, Daniel Esteve, Emmanuel Flurin, Patrice Bertet, Nature Physics 16, 751 (2020) see also arXiv:1910.11092
- Hyperfine spectroscopy in a quantum-limited spectrometer, S. Probst, G. L. Zhang, M. Rancic, V. Ranjan, M. Le Dantec, Z. Zhong, B. Albanese, A. Doll, R. B. Liu, J. J. L. Morton, T. Chanelière, P. Goldner, D. Vion, D. Esteve, P. Bertet, Magn. Reson., 1, 315–330 (2020). See also arXiv:2001.04854
- Absence of a dissipative quantum phase transition in Josephson junctions, Anil Murani, Nicolas Bourlet, Hélène le Sueur, Fabien Portier, Carles Altimiras, Daniel Esteve, Hermann Grabert, Jürgen Stockburger, Joachim Ankerhold, Philippe Joyez, Phys. Rev. X 10, 021003 (2020)., see also arXiv:1905.01161
- Electron spin resonance spectroscopy with femtoliter detection volume, V. Ranjan, S. Probst, B. Albanese, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J. J. L. Morton, and P. Bertet, Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 184002 (2020)
- Using a recurrent neural network to reconstruct quantum dynamics of a superconducting qubit from physical observations, E. Flurin, L.S. Martin, S. Hacohen-Gourgy, and I. Siddiqi., Physical Review X, 10, 011006 (2020).
- Multimode storage of quantum microwave fields in electron spins over 100 ms, V. Ranjan, J. O’Sullivan, E. Albertinale, B. Albanese, T. Chanelière, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, E. Flurin, J. J. L. Morton, P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 210505 (2020), see also arXiv:2005.09275
- Irreversible Qubit-Photon Coupling for the Detection of Itinerant Microwave Photons, R. Lescanne, S. Deléglise, E. Albertinale, U. Réglade, T. Capelle, E. Ivanov, T. Jacqmin, Z. Leghtas, and E. Flurin, Physical Review X, 10, 021038 (2020).
- Hybrid quantum systems with circuit quantum electrodynamics, A. A. Clerk, K. W. Lehnert, P. Bertet, J. R. Petta & Y. Nakamura, Nature Physics 16, 257 (2020).
- From adiabatic to dispersive readout of quantum circuits, Sunghun Park, C. Metzger, L. Tosi, M. F. Goffman, C. Urbina, H. Pothier, and A. Levy Yeyati, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 077701 (2020), arXiv:2007.05030
- Circuit-QED with phase-biased Josephson weak links, C. Metzger, Sunghun Park, L. Tosi, C. Janvier, A. A. Reynoso, M. F. Goffman, C. Urbina, A. Levy Yeyati, H. Pothier, arXiv:2010.00430, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013036 (2021)
- Donor Spins in Silicon for Quantum Technologies, A. Morello, J.J. Pla, P. Bertet, D. Jamieson, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3, 2000005 (2020). See also arXiv:2009:04081
- Spin-Orbit splitting of Andreev states revealed by microwave spectroscopy, L. Tosi, C. Metzger, M. F. Goffman, C. Urbina, H. Pothier, Sunghun Park, A. Levy Yeyati, J. Nygård, P. Krogstrup, Phys. Rev. X 9 011010 (2019). See arXiv:1810.0259
- Parametric amplification and squeezing with an ac- and dc-voltage biased superconducting junction U. Mendes, S. Jezouin, P. Joyez, B. Reulet, A. Blais, F. Portier, C. Mora, and C. Altimiras Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 034035 (2019) see arXiv:1802.07323
- Shaped pulses for transient compensation in quantum-limited electron spin resonance spectroscopy, Sebastian Probst, Vishal Ranjan, Quentin Ansel, Reinier Heeres, Bartolo Albanese, Emanuele Albertinale, Denis Vion, Daniel Esteve, Steffen J. Glaser, Dominique Sugny, and Patrice Bertet, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 303, 42-47 (2019)
- Antibunched Photons Emitted by a dc-Biased Josephson Junction C. Rolland, A. Peugeot, S. Dambach, M. Westig, B. Kubala, Y. Mukharsky, C. Altimiras, H. le Sueur, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, J. Ankerhold, and F. Portier Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 186804 (2019) see arXiv:1810.06217
- Ultrahigh-quality-factor superconducting microwave resonator on diamond for quantum information processing, Moonjoo Lee, Jap. J. Appl. Phys. 58, 100914 (2019)
- Pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy in the Purcell regime, V. Ranjan, S. Probst, B. Albanese, A. Doll, O. Jacquot, E. Flurin, R. Heeres, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J.J.L. Morton, P. Bertet, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310, 106662 (2019)
- Design of a Cooper-Pair Box Electrometer for Application to Solid-State and Astroparticle Physics L. Tosi, D. Vion, and H. le Sueur, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 054072 (2019)
- Storing quantum information in spins and high-sensitivity ESR, John J.L. Morton and P. Bertet, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 287, 128-139 (2018)
- Strain-induced spin-resonance shifts in silicon devices, J.J. Pla, A. Bienfait, G. Pica, J. Mansir, F.A. Mohiyaddin, Z. Zeng, Y.M. Niquet, A. Morello, T. Schenkel, J.J.L. Morton, and P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. Appl. 9, 044014 (2018). See arxiv:1608.07346
- Near-quantum-limited amplification from inelastic Cooper-pair tunnelling S. Jebari, F. Blanchet, A. Grimm, D. Hazra, R. Albert, P. Joyez, D. Vion, D. Estève, F. Portier and M. Hofheinz Nat. Electron. 1, 223 (2018) see arXiv:1704.04432
- Linear Hyperfine Tuning of Donor Spins in Silicon Using Hydrostatic Strain, J. Mansir, P. Conti, Z. Zeng, J. J. Pla, P. Bertet, M. W. Swift, C. G. Van de Walle, M. L. W. Thewalt, B. Sklenard, Y. M. Niquet, and J. J. L. Morton, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 167701 (2018). See arxiv:1710.00723
- Optimal control of an inhomogeneous spin ensemble coupled to a cavity, Q. Ansel, S. Probst, P. Bertet, S.J. Glaser, D. Sugny, Phys. Rev. A 98, 023425 (2018). See arxiv:1807.01461
- Proposal for detecting a single electron spin in a microwave resonator P. Haikka, Y. Kubo, A. Bienfait, P. Bertet, K. Moelmer, Phys. Rev. A 95, 022306 (2017). See arxiv:1609.01132
- Conduction Channels of an InAs-Al nanowire Josephson weak link M. F. Goffman, C. Urbina, H. Pothier, J. Nygård, C. M. Marcus, P. Krogstrup, New J. Phys. 19, 092002 (2017). See arxiv:1706.09150
- Emission of Nonclassical Radiation by Inelastic Cooper Pair Tunneling M. Westig, B. Kubala, O. Parlavecchio, Y. Mukharsky, C. Altimiras, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, M. Hofheinz, M. Trif, P. Simon, J. Ankerhold, and F. Portier Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 137001 (2017) see arXiv:1703.05009
- Magnetic Resonance with Squeezed Microwaves A. Bienfait, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, A.H. Kiilerich, X. Zhou, S. Probst, J. J. Pla, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J.J.L. Morton, K. Moelmer, P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. X 7, 041011 (2017). See arxiv:1610.03329
- Inductive-detection electron-spin resonance spectroscopy with 65 spins/√Hz sensitivity S. Probst, A. Bienfait, P. Campagne-Ibarcq, J.J. Pla, B. Albanese, J.F. Da Silva Barbosa, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, K. Moelmer, J.J.L. Morton, R. Heeres, P. Bertet, Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 202604 (2017). See arxiv:1708.09287
- Competition between electric field and magnetic field noise in the decoherence of a single spin in diamond P. Jamonneau, M. Lesik, J.P. Tetienne, I. Alvizu, L. Mayer, A. Dréau, S. Kosen, J.F. Roch, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, T. Teraji, Y. Kubo, P. Bertet, J.R. Maze and V. Jacques, Phys. Rev. B 93, 024305 (2016). See arxiv 1511.08175
- Controlling Spin Relaxation with a Cavity A. Bienfait, J.J. Pla, Y. Kubo, X. Zhou, M. Stern, C.C Lo, C.D. Weis, T. Schenkel, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J.J.L. Morton, and P. Bertet, Nature 531, 74 (2016). See arxiv 1508.06148. See also Article by Johanna Miller in Physics Today
- Interacting Electrodynamics of Short Coherent Conductors in Quantum Circuits C. Altimiras, F. Portier, and P. Joyez, Phys. Rev. X 6, 031002 (2016)
- Towards a spin-ensemble quantum memory for superconducting qubits C. Grezes, Y. Kubo, B. Julsgaard, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Sumiya, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, K. Nakamura, I. Diniz, A. Auffeves, V. Jacques, J.-F. Roch, D. Vion, D. Esteve, K. Moelmer, and P. Bertet, Comptes Rendus Physique 17, 693 (2016). See arxiv:1510.06565
- Reaching the quantum limit of sensitivity in electron spin resonance A. Bienfait, J. J. Pla, Y. Kubo, M. Stern, X. Zhou, C. C. Lo, C. D. Weis, T. Schenkel, M.L.W. Thewalt, D. Vion, D. Esteve, B. Julsgaard, K. Moelmer, J.J.L. Morton, P. Bertet, Nature Nanotechnology 11, 253 (2016). See arXiv:1507.06831
- Manipulating Fock states of a harmonic oscillator while preserving its linearity, K. Juliusson, S. Bernon, X. Zhou, V. Schmitt, H. le Sueur, P. Bertet, D. Vion, M. Mirrahimi, P. Rouchon, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. A 94, 063861 (2016).
- Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations of a Tunnel Junction Driven by a Quantum Circuit O. Parlavecchio, C. Altimiras, J.-R. Souquet, P. Simon, I. Safi, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, and F. Portier Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 126801 (2015), see arXiv:1409.6696
- Quantum Technologies with Hybrid Systems G. Kurizki, P. Bertet, Y. Kubo, K. Moelmer, D. Petrosyan, P. Rabl, J. Schmiedmayer, Proc. of Nat. Acad. of Sci. 112(13), 3866 (2015). See arxiv 1504.00158
- Storage and Retrieval of Microwave Fields at the Single Photon Level in a Spin Ensemble C. Grezes, B. Julsgaard, Y. Kubo, W.L. Ma, M. Stern, A. Bienfait, K. Nakamura, J. Isoya, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, V. Jacques, D. Vion, D. Esteve, R.-B. Liu, K. Moelmer, P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. A 92, 020301 (2015). See arxiv 1504.02220
- Coherent manipulation of Andreev states in superconducting atomic contactsC. Janvier, L. Tosi, L. Bretheau, Ç. Ö. Girit, M. Stern, P. Bertet, P. Joyez, D. Vion, D. Esteve, M. F. Goffman, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, Science 349, 1199 (2015). See arxiv 1509.03961.
- Coupling a single nitrogen-vacancy center to a superconducting flux qubit in the far-off-resonance regime T. Douce, M. Stern, N. Zagury, P. Bertet, and P. Milman, Phys. Rev. A 92, 052335 (2015). See arxiv 1507.08099.
- Dynamics of quasiparticle trapping in Andreev levels D. G. Olivares, A. Levy Yeyati, L. Bretheau, Ç. Girit, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. B 89, 104504 (2014) arXiv 1309.7283
- Superconducting Qubit as a Probe of Squeezing in a Nonlinear Resonator, M. Boissonneault, A. C. Doherty, F. R. Ong, P. Bertet, D. Vion, D. Esteve, A. Blais, Phys. Rev. A 89, 022324 (2014). See arxiv 1309.1733
- Dynamical Coulomb Blockade of Shot Noise C. Altimiras, O. Parlavecchio, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, and F. Portier Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 236803 (2014). see arXiv:1403.5999
- Multi-mode storage and retrieval of microwave fields in a spin ensemble C. Grezes, B. Julsgaard, Y. Kubo, M. Stern, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Smuiya, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, V. Jacques, J. Esteve, D. Vion, D. Esteve, K. Moelmer, P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. X 4, 021049 (2014). See arXiv:1401.7939
- Flux-qubits with long coherence times for hybrid quantum circuits M. Stern, G. Catelani, Y. Kubo, C. Grezes, A. Bienfait, D. Vion, D. Esteve, P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 123601 (2014). See arxiv:1403.3871
- High-gain weakly non-linear flux-modulated Josephson parametric amplifier using a SQUID array X. Zhou, V. Schmitt, P. Bertet, D. Vion, W. Wustmann, V. Shumeiko, D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. B 89, 214517 (2014). See arxiv:1409.5630
- Theory of Microwave Spectroscopy of Andreev bound states with a Josephson junction L. Bretheau, Ç. Girit, M. Houzet, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. B 90,134506 (2014). See arxiv:1406.6301
- Superconducting atomic contacts inductively coupled to a microwave resonator C. Janvier, L. Tosi, Ç. Girit, M. Goffman, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 26, 474208 (2014). See arxiv:1409.8065
- Multiplexed readout of transmon qubits with Josephson bifurcation amplifiers, V. Schmitt, X. Zhou, K. Juliusson, B. Royer, A. Blais, P. Bertet, D. Vion, D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062333 (2014). See arxiv:1409.5647
- Exciting Andreev pairs in a superconducting atomic contact, L. Bretheau, Ç. Girit, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Nature 499, 312 (2013). Supplementary material HERE.
- Supercurrent Spectroscopy of Andreev States L. Bretheau, Ç. Girit, C. Urbina, D. Esteve, H. Pothier, Phys. Rev. X 3, 041034 (2013). arXiv 1311.3540.
- Quantum Heating of a Nonlinear Resonator Probed by a Superconducting Qubit, F.R. Ong, M. Boissonneault, F. Mallet, A. C. Doherty, A. Blais, D. Vion, D. Esteve, and P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 047001 (2013). See arXiv 1210.3472
- Self-Consistent Dynamics of a Josephson Junction in the Presence of an Arbitrary Environment Philippe Joyez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 217003(2013). see arXiv:1211.6629
- Quantum Memory for Microwave Photons in an Inhomogeneously Broadened Spin Ensemble, B. Julsgaard, C. Grezes, P. Bertet, K. Moelmer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 250503 (2013). See arxiv 1301.1500
- Tunneling spectroscopy of a single quantum dot coupled to a superconductor: From Kondo ridge to Andreev bound states J.-D. Pillet, P. Joyez, Rok Žitko, and M. F. Goffman Phys. Rev. B 88, 045101 (2013) see also viewpoint in Physics
- Tunable microwave impedance matching to a high impedance source using a Josephson metamaterial C. Altimiras, O. Parlavecchio, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Roche, D. Esteve, and F. Portier Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 212601 (2013); see arXiv:1404.1792
- Superconducting quantum point contacts L. Bretheau, Ç. Girit, L. Tosi, M. Goffman, P. Joyez, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, arXiv:1201.4739, C. R. Physique 13, 89 (2012).
- Quantum speeding-up of computation demonstrated in a superconducting two-qubit processor A. Dewes, R. Lauro, F. R. Ong, V. Schmitt, P. Milman, P. Bertet, D. Vion and D. Esteve. Phys. Rev. B 85, 140503(R) (2012) arxiv:1110.5170
- Characterization of a two-transmon processor with individual single-shot qubit readout A. Dewes, F. R. Ong, V. Schmitt, R. Lauro, N. Boulant, P. Bertet, D. Vion and D. Esteve. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 057002 (2012) arXiv:1109.6735
- Storage and retrieval of a microwave field in a spin ensemble Y. Kubo, I. Diniz, A. Dewes, V. Jacques, A. Dréau, J.-F. Roch, A. Auffeves, D. Vion, D. Esteve, and P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. A 85, 012333 (2012) arXiv:1109.3960
Back-action of a driven nonlinear resonator on a superconducting qubit M. Boissonneault, A. C. Doherty, F. R. Ong, P. Bertet, D. Vion, D. Esteve, and A. Blais, Phys. Rev. A 85, 022305 (2012) arXiv:1111.0203
- Electron spin resonance detected by a superconducting qubit Y. Kubo, I. Diniz, C. Grezes, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Sumiya, T. Yamamoto, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, V. Jacques, A. Dréau, J.-F. Roch, A. Auffeves, D. Vion, D. Esteve, and P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. B 86, 064514 (2012) arXiv:1207.1139
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- The bright side of Coulomb blockade M. Hofheinz, F. Portier, Q. Baudouin, P. Joyez, D. Vion, P. Bertet, P. Roche, D. Esteve, arXiv:1102.0131, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 217005 (2011).
- Circuit QED with a Nonlinear Resonator: ac-Stark Shift and Dephasing F. R. Ong, M. Boissonneault, F. Mallet, A. Palacios-Laloy, A. Dewes, A. C. Doherty, A. Blais, P. Bertet, D. Vion, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 167002 (2011).
- Evidence for long-lived quasiparticles trapped in superconducting contacts M. Zgirski, L. Bretheau, Q. Le Masne, H. Pothier, D. Esteve and C. Urbina, arXiv:1105.5039 (contains Supplemental Material), PRL 106, 257003 (2011).
- Time-dependent theory of nonlinear response and current fluctuations I. Safi and P. Joyez Phys. Rev. B 84, 205129 (2011)
- Hybrid Quantum Circuit with a Superconducting Qubit Coupled to a Spin Ensemble Y. Kubo, C. Grezes, A. Dewes, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Sumiya, N. Morishita, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, V. Jacques, A. Dréau, J.-F. Roch, I. Diniz, A. Auffeves, D. Vion, D. Esteve, and P. Bertet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 220501 (2011)
- Strongly coupling a cavity to inhomogeneous ensembles of emitters: Potential for long-lived solid-state quantum memories I. Diniz, S. Portolan, R. Ferreira, J. M. Gérard, P. Bertet, and A. Auffèves, Phys. Rev. A 84, 063810 (2011) arXiv:1101.1842
- Experimental violation of a Bell’s inequality in time with weak measurement A. Palacios-Laloy, F. Mallet, F. Nguyen, P. Bertet, D. Vion, D. Esteve and A. Korotkov, Nature Phys. 6, 442 (2010), see also arXiv:1005.3435.
- Revealing the electronic structure of a carbon nanotube carrying a supercurrent J.-D. Pillet, C. Quay, P. Morfin, C. Bena, A. Levy Yeyati, P. Joyez, Nature Phys. 6, 965 (2010).
- Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator Y. Kubo, F. R. Ong, P. Bertet, D. Vion, V. Jacques, D. Zheng, A. Dréau, J.-F. Roch, A. Auffeves, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup, M.F. Barthe, P. Bergonzo, D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 140502 (2010) (see also Viewpoint in Physics: Towards superconductor-spin ensemble hybrid quantum systems), also arxiv:1006.0251
- Asymmetric Noise Probed with a Josephson Junction Q. Le Masne, H. Pothier, Norman O. Birge, C. Urbina, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 067002 (2009), also arXiv:0901.2519
- Single-shot qubit readout in circuit Quantum Electrodynamics F. Mallet, F. R. Ong, A. Palacios-Laloy, F. Nguyen, P. Bertet, D. Vion and D. Esteve, Nature Phys. 5, 791-795 (2009), also arXiv:1005.5615.
- Spectral measurement of the thermal excitation of a superconducting qubit A. Palacios-Laloy, F. Mallet, F. Nguyen, F. Ong, P. Bertet, D. Vion and D. Esteve, Phys. Scr. 2009 014015 (2009), also arXiv:0912.1956.
- Phase Controlled Superconducting Proximity Effect Probed by Tunneling Spectroscopy H. le Sueur, P. Joyez, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 197002 (2008), also arXiv:0804.2382
- Tunable Resonators for Quantum Circuits A. Palacios-Laloy, F. Nguyen, F. Mallet, P. Bertet, D. Vion and D. Esteve, J. Low Temp. Phys. 151, 1034 (2008), also
- Electron heating in metallic resistors at sub-Kelvin temperature B. Huard, H. Pothier, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. B 76. 165426 (2007), also
- Current to Frequency Conversion in a Josephson Circuit F. Nguyen, N.Boulant, G. Ithier, P. Bertet, H. Pothier, D. Vion, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 187005 (2007), also arXiv:0709.4097
- Josephson junctions as detectors for non-Gaussian noise B. Huard, H. Pothier, Norman O. Birge, D. Esteve, X. Waintal, and J. Ankerhold, Ann. Phys. 16, N° 10-11, 736 (2007), also arXiv:0711.0646
- Voltage-induced Shapiro steps in a superconducting multiterminal structure J. C. Cuevas and H. Pothier, Phys. Rev. B. 75, 174513 (2007)
- Quantum nondemolition readout using a Josephson bifurcation amplifier N. Boulant, G. Ithier, P. Meeson, F. Nguyen, D. Vion, D. Esteve, I. Siddiqi, R. Vijay, C. Rigetti, F. Pierre, and M. Devoret, Phys. Rev. B 76 014525 (2007)
- Measurement of the Current-Phase Relation of Superconducting Atomic Contacts M. L. Della Rocca, M. Chauvin, B. Huard, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, and C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 127005 (2007), also arXiv:0708.0515
- Crossover from Josephson to Multiple Andreev Reflection Currents in Atomic Contacts M. Chauvin, P. vom Stein, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, J. C. Cuevas, and A. Levy Yeyati, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 067008 (2007)
- Room-temperature tunnel current amplifier and experimental setup for high resolution electronic spectroscopy in millikelvin STM experiments H. Le Sueur, P. Joyez, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 77,123701 (2006), also arXiv:0610280
- Micro-fabricated electromagnetic filters for millikelvin experiments H. Le Sueur, P. Joyez, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 77,115102 (2006), also
- Superconducting Atomic Contacts under Microwave Irradiation M. Chauvin, P. vom Stein, H. Pothier, P. Joyez, M.E. Huber, D. Esteve, and C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 067006 (2006), also arXiv:0608648
- Effect of magnetic impurities on energy exchange between electrons B. Huard, A. Anthore, Norman O. Birge, H. Pothier, and D. Esteve. Phys. Rev Lett, 95, 036802 (2005)
- Zener enhencement of quantum tunneling in a two-level superconducting circuit G. Ithier, E. Collin, P. Joyez, D. Vion, D. Esteve, J. Ankerhold, and H. Grabert. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 057004 (2005)
- Decoherence in a superconducting quantum bit circuit G. Ithier, E. Collin, P. Joyez, P.J. Meseon, D. Vion, D. Esteve, F. Chiarello, A. Schnirman, Y. Makhlin, J. Schriefl, and G. Schön, Phys. Rev. B 72, 134519 (2005)
- Flicker (l/f) noise in the critical current of Josephson junctions at 0.09–4.2 K F. C. Wellstood, C. Urbina, and John Clarke, Applied Physics Letters 85, 5296 (2004)
- NMR-like Control of a Quantum Bit Superconducting Circuit E. Collin, G. Ithier, A. Aassime, P. Joyez, D. Vion, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 157005 (2004)
- Intensity of Coulomb interaction between quasiparticles in diffusive metallic wires B. Huard, A. Anthore, F. Pierre, H. Pothier, Norman O. Birge, D. Esteve, Solid State Comm. 131, 599 (2004), also arxiv:0404208
- Magnetic-Field-Dependent Quasiparticle Energy Relaxation in Mesoscopic Wires A. Anthore, F. Pierre, H. Pothier, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 076806 (2003)
- Rabi Oscillations, Ramsey Fringes, and Spin Echos in an Electrical Circuit D. Vion, A. Aassime, A. Cottet, P. Joyez, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, D. Esteve, and M.H. Devoret, Fortschritte der Physik, 51, 462 (2003), also arxiv:0209315
- Density of States in a Superconductor Carrying a Supercurrent A. Anthore, F. Pierre, H. Pothier, and D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 076806 (2003)
- Dephasing of electrons in mesoscopic metal wires, F. Pierre, A.B. Gougam, A. Anthore, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, and N.O. Birge, Phys. Rev. B, 68, 085413, (2003).
- Rabi oscillations in a large Josephson-junction qubit J. M. Martinis, S. Nan, J. Aumentado, and C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 117901 (2002)
- Manipulating the quantum state of an electrical circuit D. Vion, A. Aassime, A. Cottet, P. Joyez, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, D. Esteve, and M.H.Devoret, Science 296, 886 (2002), also arxiv:0205343
- Implementation of a combined charge-phase quantum bit in a superconducting circuit A. Cottet, D. Vion, A. Aassime, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, and M.H Devoret, Physica C 367, 197 (2002)
- A hysteretic single Cooper pair transistor for single shot reading of a charge qubit A. Cottet, D. Vion, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, and M.H Devoret, International Workshop on Superconducting Nano-Electronics Devices, Editors: Jukka Pekola, Berardo Ruggiero, Paolo Silvestrini, SNED Proceedings, Naples, Italy (2001)
- Direct measurement of the Josephson supercurrent in an ultrasmall Josephson junction A. Steinbach, P. Joyez, A. Cottet, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, M.E. Huber and J.M. Martinis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 137003 (2001)
- Electrodynamic dip in the local density of states of a metallic wire F. Pierre, H. Pothier, P. Joyez, Norman O. Birge, D. Esteve, M. H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1590 (2001).
- Proximity effect and multiple Andreev reflections in gold atomic contacts E. Scheer, W. Belzig, Y. Naveh, M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 284 (2001).
- Multiple Andreev reflections revealed by the energy distribution of quasiparticles F. Pierre, A. Anthore, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1078 (2001)
- Probing interactions in mesoscopic gold wires Pierre F, Pothier H, Esteve D, Devoret MH, Gougam AB, Birge NO, Chandrasekhar V, Van Haesendonck C, eds (Kluwer, 2001) [cond-mat/0012038].
- Direct Link between Coulomb Blockade and Shot Noise in a Quantum-Coherent Structure A. Levy Yeyati, A. Martin-Rodero, D. Esteve, and C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 046802 (2001)
- Multiple-Charge-Quanta Shot Noise in Superconducting Atomic Contacts R. Cron, M.F. Goffman, D. Esteve, and C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4104 (2001)
- Supercurrent in atomic point contacts and Andreev states M.F. Goffman, R. Cron, A. Levy Yeyati, P. Joyez, M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 170 (2000).
- Energy redistribution between quasiparticles in mesoscopic silver wires F. Pierre, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, J. of Low Temp. Phys. 118, 437 (2000), also arxiv:9912138
- Comparison of energy and phase relaxation in metallic wires A.B. Gougam, F. Pierre, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, Norman O. Birge, J. Low Temp. Phys. 118, 447 (2000), also arxiv:9912137
- Controlled deposition of carbon nanotubes on a patterned substrate K.H. Choi, J.P. Bourgoin, S. Auvray, D. Esteve, G.S. Duesberg, S. Roth, M. Burghard, Surface Science 462, 195 (2000).
- Evidence for saturation of channel transmission from conductance fluctuations in atomic-size point contacts B. Ludoph, M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, J.M. van Ruitenbeek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 1530 (1999).
- Electron transport through a metal-molecule-metal junction C. Kergueris, J.P. Bourgoin, S. Palacin, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M. Magoga, C. Joachim, Phys. Rev. B 59, 12505 (1999).
- Electron-electron correlations in carbon nanotubes S.J. Tans, M.H. Devoret, R.J.A. Groeneveld, C. Dekker, Nature 394, 761 (1998).
- The signature of chemical valence in the electrical conduction through a single-atom contact E. Scheer, N. Agraït, J.C. Cuevas,A. Levy Yeyati, B. Ludoph, A. Martín Rodero, G. Rubio Bollinger, J. Van Ruitenbeek and C. Urbina, Nature 394, 154 (1998).
- Quantum coherence with a single Cooper pair V. Bouchiat, D. Vion, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Physica Scripta 76, 165 (1998).
- Single Cooper Pair Electronics V. Bouchiat, D. Vion, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret (1998), Applied Superconductivity 6, 491 (1999).
- Magneto-electric Aharonov-Bohm effect in metal rings A. Van Oudenaarden, M.H. Devoret, Yu.V. Nazarov, J.E. Mooij, Nature 391, 768 (1998)
- How is the Coulomb blockade suppressed in high-conductance tunnel junctions? P. Joyez, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1956 (1998).
- Measurement method of the antiproton gravitational mass using the single electron transistor V. Bouchiat, G. Chardin, M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, Hyperfine Interactions 109, 345 (1997)
- Energy distribution function of quasiparticles in mesoscopic wires H. Pothier, S. Gueron, Norman O. Birge, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 3490 (1997)
- Strong tunneling in the single-electron transistor P. Joyez, V. Bouchiat, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1349 (1997).
- Individual single-wall carbon nanotubes as quantum wires S.J. Tans, M.H. Devoret, H. Dai, A. Thess, R.E. Smalley, L.J. Georliga, C. Dekker, Nature 386, 474 (1997).
- Conductance fluctuations in a metallic wire interrupted by a tunnel junction van-Oudenaarden-A, M.H. Devoret, Visscher-EH, Nazarov-YuV, Mooij-JE, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3539 (1997).
- Conduction channel transmissions of atomic-size aluminum contacts E. Scheer, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3535 (1997).
- Single-electron tunneling at high temperature P. Joyez, D. Esteve, Phys. Rev. B 56, 1848 (1997).
- Energy distribution of electrons in an out-of-equilibrium metallic wire H. Pothier, S. Gueron, Norman O. Birge, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Z. Phys. B 104, 178 (1997).
- Conductance quantization in metals: The influence of subband formation on the relative stability of specific contact diameters J.M. van Ruitenbeek, M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12566 (1997).
- Thermal activation above a dissipation barrier: switching of a small Josephson junction D; Vion, Gotz, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3435 (1996).
- Superconducting proximity effect probed on a mesoscopic length scale S. Gueron, H. Pothier, Norman O. Birge, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3025 (1996).
- Observation of hot-electron shot noise in a metallic resistor A.H. Steinbach, J.M. Martinis, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3806 (1996).
- Adjustable nanofabricated atomic size contacts J.M. van Ruitenbeek, A. Alvarez, I. Pineyro, C. Grahmann, P. Joyez, M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Rev. Sci. Inst. 67, 108 (1996).
- Miniature electrical filters for single electron devices D. Vion, P.F. Orfila, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, J. Appl. Phys. 77, 2519 (1995).
- Effect of a transmission line resonator on a small capacitance tunnel junction T. Holst, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 3455 (1994).
- Flux-modulated Andreev current caused by electronic interference H. Pothier, S. Gueron, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2488 (1994).
- Observation of parity-induced suppression of Josephson tunneling in the superconducting single electron transistor P. Joyez, P. Lafarge, A; Filipe, D. Esteve, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2 458 (1994).
- Two-electron quantization of the charge on a superconductor P. Lafarge, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Nature 365, 422 (1993).
- Passing electrons one by one: is a 10e-8 accuracy achievable? H. Pothier, P. Lafarge, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, IEEE-Trans. on Instrum. and Meas. 42, 324 (1993).
- Even-odd asymmetry of a superconductor revealed by the Coulomb blockade of Andreev reflection T.M. Eiles, J. M. Martinis, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 1862 (1993).
- Measurement of the even-odd free-energy difference of an isolated superconductor P. Lafarge, P. Joyez, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 994 (1993).
- Very low noise photodetector based on the single electron transistor A.N. Cleland, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 2820 (1992).
- Single-electron transfer in metallic nanostructures, Michel H. Devoret, Daniel Esteve & Cristian Urbina, Nature 360, 547 (1992).
- Direct observation of macroscopic charge quantization: a Millikan experiment in a submicron solid state device P. Lafarge, P. Joyez, H. Pothier, Cleland-A, Holst-T, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences,Serie II (Mecanique,-Physique,-Chimie-Sciences-de-la-Terre-et-de-l’Univers) 314, 883 (1992).
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- Measurement of the latency time of macroscopic quantum tunneling C. Urbina, D. Esteve, Martinis-JM, Turlot-E, M.H. Devoret, Grabert-H, Linkwitz-S, Physica B169, 26 (1991)
- Frequency-locked turnstile device for single electrons Geerligs-LJ, Anderegg-VF, Holweg-PAM, Mooij-JE, H. Pothier, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, M.H. Devoret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2691 (1990)
- Effect of the electromagnetic environment on the Coulomb blockade in ultrasmall tunnel junctions M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, Grabert-H, Ingold-G-L, H. Pothier, C. Urbina, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1824 (1990)
- Observation of the temporal decoupling effect on the macroscopic quantum tunneling of a Josephson junction D. Esteve, J.M. Martinis, C. Urbina, E. Turlot, M.H. Devoret, H. Grabert, S. Linkwitz, Physica Scripta T29, 121 (1989).
- Escape oscillations of a Josephson junction switching out of the zero-voltage state E. Turlot, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, J.M. Martinis, M.H. Devoret, S. Linkwitz, H. Grabert, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 1788 (1989).
- High frequency satellites in resonant activation E. Turlot, S. Linkwitz, D. Esteve, C. Urbina, J.M. Martinis, M.H. Devoret, H. Grabert, Chem. Phys. 235, 47 (1989).
- Effect of an adjustable admittance on the macroscopic energy levels of a current biased Josephson junction M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, J.M. Martinis, C. Urbina, Physica Scripta 25, 118 (1989).
- Hot-electron limitation to the sensitivity of the dc superconducting quantum interference device F. Wellstood, C. Urbina, J. Clarke, Appl. Phys. Lett. 54, 2599 (1989).
- Measuring the time spent traversing the barrier while tunneling J.M. Martinis, M.H. Devoret D. Esteve, C. Urbina, Physica B 152, 159 (1988).
- Resonant activation of a Brownian particle out of a potential well M.H. Devoret, D. Esteve, J.M. Martinis, A. Cleland, J. Clarke, Phys. Rev. B 36, 58 (1987).
- Experimental tests for the quantum behavior of a macroscopic degree of freedom J.M. Martinis, M.H. Devoret, J. Clarke, Phys. Rev. B 35, 4682 (1987).
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- Measurements of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling out of the Zero-Voltage State of a Current-Biased Josephson Junction M.H. Devoret, J.M. Martinis, J. Clarke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 55, 1908 (1985).
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