Scientific highlights 2014 Highlights 2015 Year 2014 December 18 2014 Contrôle électronique de la relaxation dans un isolant magnétique IRAMIS, SPEC, LNO November 26 2014 Achromatic frequency conversion IRAMIS, LIDYL, SLIC November 26 2014 •OH-radical distribution revealed in ionization tracks of heavy ions at elevated temperature IRAMIS, LIDYL, DICO July 22 2014 Voyage spectroscopique au cœur des conformations moléculaires IRAMIS, LIDYL, LUMO-SBM July 7 2014 Xe polarized in a cage: a sensitive NMR probe selective of its environment IRAMIS, NIMBE, LSDRM July 2 2014 A FREE-ROAMING WAVE PACKET IRAMIS, LIDYL, DICO, LUMO-DyR May 20 2014 Ptychography with transient plasmas gratings IRAMIS, LIDYL, PHI May 16 2014 The GOUTTELIUM setup : an IR spectroscopy in a cold environment IRAMIS, LIDYL, LUMO-DyR March 26 2014 Study of the Photoactive Yellow Protein receptor by femtosecond circular dichroism IRAMIS, LIDYL, DICO March 13 2014 RMN – IRM low magnetic field IRAMIS, SPEC, LNO February 7 2014 New NMR instrumentation for high-resolution analysis of slow molecular motion IRAMIS, NIMBE, LSDRM Highlights 2013
November 26 2014 •OH-radical distribution revealed in ionization tracks of heavy ions at elevated temperature IRAMIS, LIDYL, DICO
July 7 2014 Xe polarized in a cage: a sensitive NMR probe selective of its environment IRAMIS, NIMBE, LSDRM
March 26 2014 Study of the Photoactive Yellow Protein receptor by femtosecond circular dichroism IRAMIS, LIDYL, DICO
February 7 2014 New NMR instrumentation for high-resolution analysis of slow molecular motion IRAMIS, NIMBE, LSDRM