PhD student researcher

Groupe Structures BioMoléculaires

Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers (UMR CEA-CNRS 9222)


Université Paris-Saclay

91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX


Tél. : +33 1 69 08 11 92
Fax : +33 1 69 08 12 13
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2014-current PhD student researcher in Chemical Physics (supervisor : Eric GLOAGUEN); financed by Paris-Sud University (ED2MIB ); PhD defense : 15/09/2017

“Optical Spectroscopy of ion pairs: From the characterization of gas phase models to identifying ion pairs in solution”

2015-current Project manager Portail Web Innovation (FCS, Paris-Saclay University and SATT, Orsay)

2014-2015 Scientific mediator (Palais de la Découverte)

2014 Internship (CEA Saclay)

“Ultrafast electronic relaxation in protein models”

Sujets de recherche

Gas phase spectroscopy of biologically relevant neutral contact ion pairs

Proteins are large flexible molecules whose properties change depending on their shape. However, the forms that these molecules can adopt are controlled by a set of forces both intramolecular (hydrogen bonds, dispersive forces steric constraints) and intermolecular (interactions with a solvent molecule or ion). Understanding and modeling these structures at the molecular level requires studying small model systems in order to identify the role of these forces on the molecular folding. Our approach is to characterize the presence of interactions with counter-ions (ion pairs), isolate gas phase molecules folded, possibly associated with solvent molecules, then analyzing their structure by UV and IR laser excitations. These techniques give a sufficiently precise signature of hydrogen bonds network structuring these systems to fully characterize their shape. These experimental results will facilitate the development of modeling tools (quantum chemistry, force fields). The proposed research program is to identify and analyze the structure of isolated ion pairs systems and then in contact with the solvent, and estimate the effects of solvation on the molecular folding.


2015-current Project manager Portail Web Innovation (FCS, Paris-Saclay University)

2014-current PhD student researcher in Chemical Physics (supervisor: Eric GLOAGUEN); financed by Paris-Sud University (ED2MIB )

2014-2015 Scientific mediator (Palais de la Découverte)

2013-2014 Master degree in Biomolecular engineering (Ecole Polytechnique)

2013-2014 TOEFL-ITP certificate (Ecole Polytechnique)

2012 Bachelor degree in Biochemistry (Lebanese University, Faculty of Science 2)

Publications scientifiques

3. W. Y. Sohn, S. Habka, E. Gloaguen, M. Mons!divAbstract

“Unifying the microscopic picture of His-containing turns: from gas phase model peptides to crystallized proteins”

2. S. Habka, V. Brenner, M. Mons, E. Gloaguen

“Gas phase spectroscopic signatures of carboxylate-Li+ contact ion pairs: new benchmarks for characterizing ion pairing in solution”

1. Y. Loquais, E. Gloaguen, S. Habka, V. Vaquero-Vara, V. Brenner, B. Tardivel, M. Mons

“Secondary Structures in Phe-Containing Isolated Dipeptide Chains: Laser Spectroscopy vs Quantum Chemistry”


2016 Talent 2016 L’Oréal-UNESCO for women and science (

2016 Allocations for conference participation (Oxford University, Société Chimique de France, ED 2MIB)

2015 Best poster presentation : International summer school TULIP2015 “Modern Developments in Spectroscopy” (

2014 PhD scholarship (Paris Sud University)


Oral presentations:

– July 2016: Journnée des Doctorants du LIDYL (CEA Saclay)

– June 2016: 71st International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy (Illinois, USA)

– November 2015: Journée des doctorants de l’école doctorale 2MIB (Ecole Polytechnique)

– October 2015: 16èmes Journées des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes (Girona, Spain)

– June 2015: Journée des jeunes chercheurs du LIDYL (CEA Saclay)

– May 2015: GdR SpecMo (Dunkerque, France)

– January 2015: Journée des doctorants de la Fédération Chimie Physique (Orsay, France)

– September 2014: Conference “Coupling Mass Spectrometry with Lasers” (Macon, France)


– November 2016: Journée des doctorants de l’école doctorale 2MIB (INSTN)

– September 2016: GDR EMIE “Edifices Moléculaires Isolés et Environnés” (Dinard, France)

– April 2016: IBBI conference “Isolated and surrounded molecular building blocks” (Oxford, UK)

– May 2015: GDR EMIE “Edifices Moléculaires Isolés et Environnés” (Biarritz, France)

– April 2015: TULIP VI “Modern Developments in Spectroscopy” (Noordwijk, Holland)

– March 2015: 14èmes Colloque “Regards sur la Lumière” (Paris Sud University)

– October 2014: 15èmes Journées des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes (Dammarie-les-Lys, France)