Tél. : +33 1 69 08 79 25
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website : http://patoo.hope.free.fr/
Directeur de Recherches CNRS (Senior Research Scientist)
Areas of expertise / Keywords
- Soft matter physico-chemistry
- NMR and neutron spectroscopies – structural and dynamical aspects
- Hybrid organic-inorganic materials
- Dynamics in heterogeneous materials : gels, polymers, liquid crystals, ionic liquids
- Properties of confined and nano confined fluids
- Basic experimental aspects of conductivity in solid polymer electrolytes and membranes
- Design of liquid crystals and ionic liquids for advanced properties
- 125 articles in international scientific journals , 1 book chapter
- 3 patents (one European patent, one with international extension)
- Approximately 170 presentations in laboratories, scientific meetings and conferences
- (complete list on website)
Representative papers
– “Synthesis and properties of polyoxometallates based inorganic-organic polymers“, P. Judeinstein, Chem. Mater., 4, (1992), 4.
– “Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials : A Land of Multidisciplinarity“, P. Judeinstein, C. Sanchez, J. Mater. Chem., 6, (1996), 511. Feature Article
– “Melting of water in porous glass : why small particles do not crystallize ?“, J. Rault, R. Neffati, P. Judeinstein, Eur. Phys. J.B., 36, (2003), 627-637.
– “Proton conducting Ionic liquid organization as probed by heteronuclear overhauser effect”, P. Judeinstein, C. Iojoiu, J.Y. Sanchez, B. Ancian, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, (2008), 3680-3683.
– “Ionic Liquids and their hosting by polymers for HT-PEMFC membranes”, C. Iojoiu, M. Hanna, Y. Molmeret, M. Martinez, L. Cointeaux, N. El Kissi, J. Teles, J-C. Leprêtre, P. Judeinstein, J-Y. Sanchez, Fuel Cells. 5, (2010), 778-789.
>- “Multiscale NMR Investigation of mesogenic ionic-liquid electrolytes with strong anisotropic orientational and diffusional behavior“, P. Judeinstein, S. Huet, P. Lesot, RSC Adv., 3, (2013), 16604-16611.