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Research physicist
Assistant to the Director of IRAMIS – Institut Rayonnement-Matière,
- Internal/external scientific communication
Activité scientifique
- Statistical physics and complex systems
- Surface morphology
- Alloy surfaces
- Quasicrystal surfaces

- Photon emission from tunnel junctions using STM microscopy.
Thèmes de recherche : Laser physics, solid state physics, statistical physics.
Techniques expérimentales : Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM), Helium Diffraction, X-ray Diffraction, LEEM.
2014 – : Assistant au Directeur de l’IRAMIS pour la formation doctorale à l’IRAMIS.
2008 – : Assistant Communication scientifique du Chef du Département de recherche DRECAM, aujourd’hui Institut IRAMIS.
2005 : Fracture des matériaux
2001 : Surface de quasicristaux. Étude par diffraction d’hélium et STM.
WEBmaster du DRECAM
1994 : Études couplées synchrotron (ESRF Grenoble) et STM .
1991 : Étude de surfaces de monocristaux par microscopie à effet tunnel (STM). physique statistique
Rédacteur du journal “Brèves du DRECAM”
1988 : Équipe Physique des surfaces, Jean Lapujoulade. Dispositif expérimental RAMSES (Rétrodiffusion d’Atomes et Molécules sur les Surfaces)
1984 : CEA Saclay, Service de Physique des Atomes et des Surfaces (DRF/DPhG/SPAS -CEA Saclay)
1984 : Thèse d’état : “Ionisation collisionnelle d’atomes de rubidium très excités à énergie thermique“
Université Paris Sud-Orsay, Service de Physique des Atomes et des Surfaces (DRF/DPhG/SPAS) – CEA Saclay
1979 : Thèse 3ème cycle : “Étude des niveaux de Rydberg de la série 4f146snd de l’ytterbium. Mesure des champs critiques d’ionisation. Analyse expérimentale et théorique des structures hyperfines. ” Université Paris Sud – Orsay, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS, Université d’Orsay.
1977 : DEA Physique Atomique et Moléculaire – Optique Quantique (PAMOQ) – Université Paris-Sud – École Polytechnique.
1976-77 : Maitrise de physique, Université Paris-Sud Orsay.
Publications scientifiques
61 – Un projet phare pour filmer les électrons
L. Barbier et F. Quéré, La Recherche 525-526 (2017) 42.
60 – Nominally brittle cracks in inhomogeneous solids: From microstructural disorder to continuum-level scale
J. Barés, M. Barlet, C.L. Rountree L. Barbier and D. Bonamy, Front. Phys. (2014) 2:70.
59 – Crackling versus continuum like dynamics in brittle failure
J. Barés, L. Barbier, and D. Bonamy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111 (2013) 054301.
58 – Step interactions on Pt(111) vicinal surfaces determined by grazing incidence x-ray diffraction: influence of the step orientation,
G. Prévot, L. Barbier and P. Steadman, Surface Science, 604(15–16) (2010) 1265.
57 – Scaling and universality in the kinetic smoothening of interfaces: Application to the analysis of the relaxation of rough vicinal steps of an oxide surface,
T.T.T. Nguyen, D. Bonamy, L. Phan Van, J. Cousty, and L. Barbier, EPL, 89 (2010) 60005.
56- Reply to “Comment on `Cleaved surface of i-AlPdMn quasicrystals: Influence of the local temperature elevation at the crack tip on the fracture surface roughness‘ ”
L. Barbier, D. Bonamy, and L. Ponson, Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 216202
55 – Coarsening of two-dimensional Al2O3 islands on vicinal (1-102) sapphire surfaces
T-T-Thuy. Nguyen, D. Bonamy, L. Pham Van, L. Barbier, J. Cousty, Surface science 602(21) (2008) 3232
54- Cleaved surface of i-AlPdMn quasicrystals: Influence of the local temperature elevation at the crack tip on the fracture surface roughness
L. Ponson, D. Bonamy, L. Barbier, Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 184205
53- Characterization of antiphase boundary network in Fe3O4(111) epitaxial thin films: Effect on anomalous magnetic behaviour
A. M. Bataille, L. Ponson, S. Gota, L. Barbier, D. Bonamy, and M. Gautier-Soyer, Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 155438
52– Contribution to a discussion on clusters, phasons and quasicrystal stabilization,
Prodeeding of the 9th International Conference on Quasicrystals (ICQ9),
edited by C. L. Henley, M. de Boissieu, W. Steurer, Phil. Mag. 86/6-8 (2006) 1131
51– Periodic magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin ferromagnetic films on faceted surfaces
A. Tejeda, G. Baudot, V. Repain, S. Rousset, J. Ferré, J.P. Jamet, A. Thiaville and L. Barbier, Europhys. Lett., 71 (1) (2005) 117-123
50– Steps and terraces at quasicrystal surfaces. Application to the analysis of STM images of i-AlPdMn,
L. Barbier et D. Gratias, http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0505452.
49- Crystallographic structure and morphology of cobalt films on Cu(1 1 11),
A. Chaumin-Midoir, H. Magnan, L. Barbier, P. Le Fèvre and D. Chandesris, Surface Science 562 (2004) 137-149.
48- Influence of Au (111) reconstruction on light emission induced by STM,
K. Perronet, L. Barbier and F. Charra, Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 201405(R).
47- High Resolution STM studies of quasicrystal surfaces: an efficient tool to investigate quasiperiodic atomic structures.
L. Barbier et D. Gratias, Progress in Surface Science, 75 (2004) 177-189.
45- Surface EXAFS studies of metastable magnetic thin films and nanostructures,
D. Chandesris, P. Le Fèvre, H. Magnan, A. Chaumin-Midoir, H. Jaffrès, F. Scheurer and L. Barbier, J Phys-Condens Mat 15 (5) (2003) S657.
Proceedings of the Wandlitz workshop “Bab2002”, Berlin Juin 2002.
44- Time-space height correlations of thermally fluctuating 2-d systems. Application to vicinal surfaces and analysis of STM images of Cu(115),
L. Barbier, E. Le Goff and B. Salanon, Surface Science 531(3) (2003) 337.
43- Thermal roughening restrained by bulk chemical order: Cu-Pd(17%) versus Cu(115) and Cu3Au (1 1 12) vicinal surface.
E. Le Goff, L. Barbier, Y. Garreau and M. Sauvage, Surface Science 522 (2003) 143.
42- Magnetism, structure and morphology of thin cobalt films deposited on Cu(115),
A. Chaumin Midoir, H. Magnan, F. Scheurer, H. Bulou, L. Barbier, P. Le Fèvre and D. Chandesris,
Proceedings of ECOSS- 21 Juin 2002 Malmö, Sweden, Surface Science 532 (2003) 70.
41- Correlation between STM-induced photon emission and barrier height: The case of the Cu3Au alloy vicinal surface,
F. Silly, F. Charra, L. Barbier and E. Le Goff, Europhys. Lett. 64 (2003) p. 475.
40- Chemical order driven morphology of a vicinal surface of Fe3Al (111): An He diffraction and STM study,
L. Piccolo and L. Barbier, Surface Science 505 (2002) 271.
39- L. Barbier, D. Le Floch, Y. Calvayrac and D. Gratias,
Identification of the atomic structure of the 5-fold surface of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal: Helium diffraction and STM studies,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 (2002) 85506.
38- Chaumin Midoir, H. Magnan, L. Barbier, P. Le Fèvre and D. Chandesris,
Structure and morphology of thin cobalt films deposited on vicinal surface Cu(1 1 11),
EMRS Strasbourg Juin 2001, Applied Surface Science 188 (1-2) (2002) 115.
37- Structure of vicinal surfaces of alloys: Cu-Pd(17%) (115),
E. Le Goff, I. Arfaoui, L. Barbier, A. Loiseau and B. Salanon, Surface Science 481 (2001) 215.
Direction de thèse de Eric Le Goff soutenue le 29 Octobre 1999 (Univ. Paris XI Orsay) :
Manuscrit de la thèse
36- Chemical ordering of alloy surfaces. Low index versus vicinal surfaces,
E. Le Goff, D. Le Floc’h, L. Barbier, S. Goapper, A. Loiseau and B. Salanon, Physical Review B, 63, 125418A (2001).
35- Step pairing and bulk chemical order at alloy vicinal surfaces,
E. Le Goff, L. Barbier, S. Goapper and B. Salanon, Surface Science, 466 (1-3) (2000) pp. 73-88.
34- The phase diagram of the lattice Calogero Sutherland model,
E. Le Goff, L. Barbier and B. Salanon, Cond Mat 0012253Rapid Communication Phys. Rev. B 61, 10594 (2000).
33- The morphology and thermodynamics of solid surfaces,
B. Salanon, L. Barbier, P. Hecquet et E. Le Goff,
In Quasicrystals – current topics (Proceedings of the Advanced School on Quasicrystals Aussois, France 16-21 May 1999), Ed : E. Belin-Ferré, C. Berger, M. Quiquandon and A. Sadoc. World Scientific (Singapore) 2000.
32- Vicinal surfaces: Free energy, terrace width distribution and step correlation function,
E. Le Goff, L. Barbier, L. Masson and B. Salanon, Surface Science 432 (1999) 139.
31- Step pairing induced by surface alloying: Pd/Cu(1,1,11),
S. Goapper, L. Barbier and B. Salanon, Surface Science 409 (1998) 81
Publications dans la base HAL-CEA.
“Thèses et Projet” dans le cadre des formations : “Encadrement et Valorisation de la Thèse” (EVT) et “Préparation et Valorisation de la Thèse” (PVT) proposées par l’INSTN.
Cours “Surface” DEA matériaux, Université de Poitiers (2001).