Service de Physique de l'Etat Condensé
Systèmes Physiques Hors-équilibre, hYdrodynamique, éNergie et compleXes
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CEA Researcher,
Experimental Physics
CEA Expert in Ion Beam Analysis, Light Elements Detection
Sujets de recherche
Magnetism in nanostructured systems, supermagnetism: magnetic nanoparticles (NP), supercrystals of NP, films of NP…
Magnetic measurements
Development of a new device for magnetic measurements based on Quantum Well Hall Sensors
Experimental evidence of the super-ferromagnetism in individual supercrystrals of magnetic NP
Experimental research in magnetism of nanostructured objects
2002 – 2015 CEA/DSM/IRAMIS/SIS2M/LEEL, CEA-CNRS UMR3299, attached to the nuclear microprobe
ion beam analysis of light elements in nuclear materials
- influence of H in nuclear fuel cladding tubes
- measurement of light elements (Li, B) in irradiated nuclear fuel cladding tubes
measurement of the thermal diffusion of Helium in fuel and storage glasses matrices
light elements analysis in geological samples
- H, C, Br, I, Cl measurement in natural and synthetic samples
- study of the water and other volatiles cycles, in various geological samples
1998 PhD in Nuclear Reactor Physiscs, Aix-Marseille I university,
“Nouvelle détermination expérimentale des paramètres de résonances neutroniques de 99Tc“
1988-2002 CEA/DEN/DM2S/SERMA, , preparation of nuclear data for neutronics transport codes
- in charge of the NJOY code
- preparation of nuclear data for neutronics transport codes
member of the JEFF nuclear data group
1988 Engineer in Nuclear engineering, CEA/INSTN, Saclay
Publications scientifiques
see attached file
2004-2010 Paris Sud University, Master of Energy – radiations, Practical works in Ion Beam Analysis
2011-2013 Marne-la-Vallée university, Master Geoscience and environment, “among the analytical techniques: ion beam analysis”