OMNO 2014

OMNO 2014

Optical Manipulation of Nano-Objects : from light-driven molecular motors to nanoscale optical tweezers

A one-day workshop organized in the joint framework of ANR project COME-ON and the Nanophotonics Flagship of NanoSaclay excellence laboratoiry (LabEx)

Many research groups focus on fundamental science and applied aspects of manipulating matter by light, at the nanoscale. Towards this challenging objective, new schemes for optical tweezing have recently been demonstrated. Alternative approaches use molecular motors that are able to perform mechanical work or collectively induce controlled motion of larger objects such as nanoparticles …

What are the latest achievements in these fields, how far can we control and manipulate nano-objects optically ? The workshop will contribute to answer these questions.

The workshop was hosted by DIGITEO / Maison de la simulation on the Paris-Saclay campus (south of Paris) on December 15th (10:00-17:15).

Chair: C. Fiorini (IRAMIS, CEA/Saclay, ANR project COME-ON)

Co-chairs: E. Ishow (CEISAM, Université de Nantes, ANR project COME-ON) Y. Lassailly (PMC, Ecole Polytechnique, ANR project COME-ON), F. Charra (IRAMIS, CEA/Saclay, Nanophotonics Flagship of NanoSaclay labex)

Invited speakers:​

J. Berthelot, ICFO Barcelona, Spain
D. Bleger, Humbolt University Berlin, Germany
F. Brouwer, van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
F. Chérioux, Institut Femto ST, Besançon, France
N. Hurduc, Technical University, Iasi, Romania
J. Fick, Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
J.-P. Galaup, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay, France
R. Métivier, PPSM, ENS Cachan, France
S. N. Varanakkottu, Technnical University Darmstadt, Germany


10:00-10:30 Introduction, COME-ON project. C. Fiorini, E Ishow, Y. Lassailly
10:30-10:55 “Holographic optical tweezers: principle, some results and perspectives”, (Presentation) J.-P. Galaup, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, Orsay (France)
Coffee break / poster session
11:20-12:00 “3D optical manipulation with plasmonic nanotweezers”, (Presentation) J. Berthelot, ICFO Barcelona (Spain)
12:00-12:25 “Light-actuated Marangoni tweezers”, S. N. Varanakkottu, Technnical University Darmstadt (Germany)
12:25-12:50 “Fibered nano-optical tweezers”, (Presentation) J. Fick, Institut Néel, Grenoble (France)
Lunch break / poster session
14:15-14:55 “Dynamics of rotaxane-based molecular shuttles”, F. Brouwer, van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences – University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
14:55-15:20 Molecular Spinners on a Silicon Surface”, (Presentation) F. Chérioux, Institut FemtoST, Besançon (France)
Coffee break / poster session
15:50-16:15 Design of improved photoswitches and articulated nanowires”, (Presentation) D. Bleger, Humbolt University Berlin(Germany)
16:15-16:40 Azopolysiloxanes as supports for biomolecules laser nano-manipulation, (Presentation) N. Hurduc, Technical University, Iasi (Romania)
17:05 Conclusions
Results from the COME-ON collaborative ANR project were presented in a poster session.

OMNO 15/12/2014