Hajar Benhaddou 

PhD Student

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PhD Topic : Interfacial and adhesion studies of VACNT / aluminum electrodes for optimized supercapacitors

Faced with environmental and economic challenges, the development of renewable energies and electric vehicles is gaining momentum. The need for an energy storage system for electric vehicles directly implies the development of storage systems that are both more efficient and have an impact
ecological manufacturing is as reduced as possible.
Supercapacitors are one of the solutions to meet these needs. They are located in terms of energy density and power, between batteries and dielectric capacitors. In this context, electrodes made of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes deposited on an aluminum substrate were developed during projects carried out within a joint laboratory “NAWALab” composed of the CEA of Saclay (Laboratoire des Edifices Nanométries – LEDNA), from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Polymers and Interfaces – LPPI), the University of Tours (Physico-Chemistry of Materials and Electrolytes for Energy – PCM2E) and NAWATechnologies
As part of this thesis subject, we wish to carry out a study of the parameters making it possible to improve the adhesion properties of VACNTs on their aluminum substrate and also to finely analyze the aluminum/VACNT interface to better understand the delamination processes sometimes observed. . This parametric study will be associated with electrochemical characterizations at three electrodes and in supercapacitor configuration to determine the interface/adhesion/performance relationship both at the electrode level (capacity, interface resistance) and in complete devices (energy, power, cyclability).

Host University: François Rabelais University, Tours, France