Alumni – LCMCE

Former Permanent Researchers

Guillaume LEFEVRE

Guillaume is now researcher in Chimie ParisTech

Former Postdoctoral Researchers

Post-doc (2022-2023)

After his postdoctoral stay, Kajetan joined the group of Pr. Guillaume Berionni in the Universiy of Namur.

Post-doc (2019-2021)

After his postdoctoral stay, Martin joined the group of Dr. Mariola Tortosa in the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid (UAM) with a grant “Maria Zambrano para la atraccion de talento internacional”.


Post-doc (2021-2022)

After his postdoctoral stay, Liam joined the group of Pr. William Kerr in the university of Strathclyde.


Postdoc (2020)

After his postdoctoral stay, Jompol was recruited at the Office of National Higher Education in Thailand.

flag Idir BENAISSA
Postdoc (2020-2021)

After his postdoctoral stay, Idir joined the group of Nicolas Mézailles as a postdoctoral fellow, and then joined the University Mohammed VI as assistant professor.

flag Nicolas LENTZ
Postdoc (2019-2020)

After his postdoctoral stay, Nicolas joined Martin Albrecht’s group at Bern university as a postdoctoral fellow.

Postdoc (2018-2019)

flag Nora HELLOU
Postdoc (2017-2018)

After her postdoc, Nora joined ASYMPTOTE Project Management in Cherbourg-Octeville as a Junior Project Management Engineer, and then Nora Onepoint as an R&D engineer.

flag Alessandro ZANARDI
Postdoc (2016)

After his postdoc, Alessandro went to work for KLK EMMERICH GmbH.

flag Guillaume BOUSREZ
Postdoc (2015-2016)

Guillaume, after holding a postdoctoral position at James Cook University (Australia) in the group of Dr. Peter Junk, was recruited as a post-doctoral fellow at the Stockholm University

flag Camille LESCOT
Postdoc (2014-2015)

Camille now holds a position at CNRS (Biochemistry Section, 16) at ENSCP Chimie ParisTech, in the group of Prof. Daniel Scherman.

flag Anis TLILI
Postdoc (2013-2014)

Anis now holds a position at CNRS (Organic chemistry Section, 12) at University of Lyon I, in the group of Dr. Thierry Billard.

flag Jacky POUESSEL
Postdoc (2012-2014)

After his postdoc, Jacky joined ADIONICS.

flag Olivier JACQUET
Postdoc (2012-2013)

After his postdoctoral stay, Olivier worked SYNCOM (the Netherlands).

Former Phd Students

flag Kieu PHUNG
PhD student (2020-2023)

flag Marie-Hélène PIETRARU
PhD student (2020-2023)
Master (2020)

PhD student (2021-2023)
Master (2021)

PhD student (2019-2022)

flag Etienne CROCHET
PhD student (2019-2022)

flag Marianne KJELLBERG
PhD student (2019-2022)
Master (2019)

flag Clément HOARAU
PhD student (2018-2020)

flag Gabriel DURIN
PhD student (2018-2021)

After his PhD, Gabriel joined the group of Dr Nicolas Kaeffer in the Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische EnergieKonversion in Mülheim.

PhD student

After her PhD, Louise joined Saint-Gobain Research.

Aurélien ADENOT
PhD student

After his PhD, Aurélien became scientific advisor at the French senate.

PhD student

After her PhD, Lidie became scientific project manager at the ANR.

flag Gianluca DESTRO
PhD student

After his PhD, Gianluca joined the Pr. Véronique Gouverneur group at Oxford University as a postdoctoral fellow.

Timothé GODOU
PhD student (2016-2019)

PhD student (2016-2019)

After his PhD, Arnaud joined CortecNet as an R&D chemist.

PhD student (2015-2018)

After his PhD, Louis held a post-doctoral position in the Grela’s group (University of Warsaw, Poland).

flag Tawfiq NASR ALLAH
PhD student (2015-2018)

Tawfiq is co-founder of Fairbrics.

PhD student (2015-2018)

After her PhD, Alicia followed a master degree course at L’École supérieure de journalisme de Lille (ESJ Lille).

flag Clément CHAUVIER
PhD student (2014-2017)

After a post-doctoral position in the group of Prof. Martin Oestreich at TU Berlin, Clément is now assistant professor at Sorbonne université (IPCM) in Paris.

Joëlle CHAR
PhD student (2014-2017)

After her PhD, Joëlle worked as a Project Management Engineer at ASYMPTOTE Project Management in Paris.

flag Solène SAVOUREY
PhD student (2013-2016)

Solène worked as a Manufacturing Excellence Manager at Henkel in Amsterdam (The Netherlands).

flag Niklas VON WOLFF
PhD student (2013-2016)

Niklas currently holds a CR2 position in the team REACTE at Université Paris Diderot under the direction of Marc Robert in the Molécular and Electrochemistry Laboratoy (LEM).

flag Xavier FROGNEUX
PhD student (2012-2015)

After his PhD, Xavier was holding a postdoctoral position in the group of Sophie Carenco at the Collège de France in Paris (material chemistry).

flag Enguerrand BLONDIAUX
PhD student (2012-2015)

Enguerrand, after holding a postdoctoral position at University of Antwerp, in Belgium (group of Pr. Bert Maes), joined Servier as an R&D engineer.

flag Elias FEGHALI
PhD student (2012-2015)

Elias, after holding a postdoctoral position at Scion (New Zealand) and Vito (Belgium), is since September 2017 Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering at Notre Dame University Louaize (Lebanon).

flag Alexandre Hervé
PhD student (2011-2014)

After his PhD, Alexandre joined the group of R. Andersen as a postdoctoral fellow.

flag Christophe GOMES
PhD student (2010-2013)

After his PhD, Christophe held a postdoctoral position at University of Aix-Marseille (radical chemistry).

flag Florian DULONG
PhD student (2010-2013)

After his PhD, Florian joined Michelin in Clermont-Ferrand (France).

Former Master Students

flag Frederike VON DER HAAR
Master student (2022-2023)

flag Alexis BOUCHET
Master student (2022)

flag Lucas CHALOUNI
Master student (2022)

flag Albane FONTAINE
Master student (2020)

flag Marco MUELLER
Master student (2012)

Master student (2011)

flag Alix DELANGLE
Master student (2011)

flag Oumou BATHILY
Master student (2010)