<< Research Lensless imaging

Ultrafast Nanophotonics Group

Lensless microscopy

The project is dedicated to the study of new approach of microscopy based on development of miniaturized visible-light microscopy by removing the optical aberration. Avoiding to use imaging optics is a perfect solution for biomedical investigation due to its portability and in-vivo analysis providing much more compact, cost-effective and wider FOV imagers. Obtaining such an image in a single shot greatly reduces acquisition and calculation times, allowing real-time filming of biological processes, for example.

This device, called NANOXIM, consists of a laser diode and a CCD camera, between which the sample is placed. The apparent simplicity of the NanoXim goes hand in hand with its ability to change configuration – experimental and algorithmic – depending on the nature of the observed object: it is no longer the sample to adapt to the experience, but the reverse. Reconstructions are usually performed after detection. The assembly then forms a complete and versatile imaging system capable of observing 3D samples.

• Collaboration :

Ana Campalans, CEA/LRIG (France)
Laure Bally-Cuif, Institut Pasteur (Paris)
Imagine Optic (Orsay)
• People : Ramona Corman
• Publications
• Fundings

Horizon 2020 (FET Open VOXEL)
CEA (DRF-Impulsion)
ANR (NanoImagine)