Space-time measurement methods
Generating, shaping and using intense ultrashort laser pulses for HIFU experiments requires knowledge of the electric field E(x,y,z=z0,t) corresponding to the laser beam.
The impossibility of writing the field as the product of a function of space variables and a function of time leads to the presence of space-time couplings (STC).
These STCs do not allow the electric field to be determined sequentially from “classical” measurements in the time (or spectral) domain, followed by a measurement in the spatial domain.
Research into methods for measuring the complete electric field has been an area of intense activity over the last fifteen years, in which the laboratory has played a very active part, with the development of two measurement methods, TERMITES and INSIGHT.

The TERMITES method is based on the use of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) combined with Point Diffraction Interferometry (PDI) and local field measurement in the time/spectral domain (SPIDER, SRSI, FROG).
The INSIGHT method is based on the use of Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (FTS) combined with a method for determining the spatial phase from intensity measurements in 3 planes using an iterative Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm and local field measurements in the time/spectral domain (SPIDER, SRSI, FROG).

INSIGHT “Few Shots
INSIGHT requires a large number of pulses to complete a measurement. Reducing the number of shots required is an imperative for use on HIF laser chains with low repetition rates. The use of an interferometer based on a birefringent system instead of a Michelson has made it possible to improve measurement stability and accuracy, and to use signal processing methods (sub-sampling) to significantly reduce the number of shots required.

Pulse shaping
Studies of space-time couplings carried out in the laboratory have led us to propose and demonstrate a method, using the chromatism of a focusing system (generating pulse front curvature or PFC) and spectral dispersion (spectral chirp), which enables us to adjust the speed of the intensity maximum in the vicinity of the focus over an extended Rayleigh domain.
This type of spatio-temporal shaping is highly attractive for experiments in non-linear optics and laser-plasma interaction (particle acceleration, etc.), as has already been demonstrated.

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