Highlights Combining surface chemistry modification and in situ small-angle scattering characterization to understand and optimize the biological behavior of nanomedicines September 2 2020
Highlights Interplay of 4 f-3d interactions and spin-induced ferroelectricity in the green phase Gd2BaCuO5 July 21 2020
Highlights Controlled Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles in Copolymers Nanomolds by X-ray Radiolysis June 23 2020
Highlights Controlled Loading and Release of Beta-Lactoglobulin in Calcium-Polygalacturonate Hydrogels April 8 2020
Highlights Direct evidence of weakly dispersed and strongly anharmonic optical phonons in hybrid perovskites March 17 2020
Highlights Coupling NMR to SANS: Addressing at once structure and dynamics in soft matter February 13 2020
Highlights Suppression of the bulk high spin–low spin transition by doping the chiral magnet MnGe January 14 2020