Research groups



    Research Topics Instrumentation development Instruments Neutrons: Sources, detectors, spectrometers… and much more! Partnerships and development From…

  • MMB


    Research topics Research topics of LLB/MMB Technics & Instruments Neutron sources, Instrument lines, Instrumentation Partnerships &…

  • NFMQ


    Our research fields NFMQ team research fields Techniques and Instruments Experimental tools and platforms Partnerships and…

Neutron diffusion instruments

The LLB designs, develops and pilots neutron scattering instruments for the French and international scientific community, based around European neutron sources. It is also engaged in research to design a compact neutron source, able to replace neutron lines from nuclear research reactors.

Research activity out of the Saclay center

Instruments @ ILL and PSI

ESS projects

Instruments for ESS (Lund, Sweden)

Compact source – HiCANS

ICONE : an accelerator-driven neutron source



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