The Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, UMR 12 CEA-CNRS (LLB) is the French neutron scattering laboratory located at CEA-Saclay near Paris. Until the end of 2019, in addition to carrying out fundamental research on condensed matter using neutron beams, it managed all the experiments carried out on its equipment located around the Orphée reactor at Saclay. Since Orphée’s definitive shutdown at the end of 2019, the LLB has refocused its experimental activity on 3 themes:
- Participation in the operation of neutron scattering devices on remote sources: SANS-LLB at PSI near Zürich, SAM at ILL in Grenoble, SHARPER at ILL in Grenoble
- Participation in the construction of 5 devices (BIFROST, CSPEC, DREAM, MAGIC, SKADI) for the future European neutron source ESS
- Support for the ICONE project, a new French neutron source of the HiCANS type
Given the small number of neutron sources available worldwide for the study of condensed matter, LLB always positions itself at least within a European, if not global, framework. Below are links to pages describing the different sources available worldwide.
- A list provided by NIST in the USA
- A list provided by the IUCr (International Union for Crystallography)
- A list provided by the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)
Below you’ll find a map of neutron sources in Europe and worldwide (maps provided by LENS)

Below is a map of HiCANS-type source projects in Europe (map provided by ELENA)

Below you will find 2 graphs showing the importance of neutron diffraction in terms of the number of publications in Europe and worldwide