Séminaire LLB Spin ice thin films: a platform to study geometrically-constrained strongly Michel Gingras 02/10/2017
Séminaire LLB Status and Developments of the NIST Center for Neutron Research Dr. Robert Dimeo 15/05/2017
Séminaire LLB Nanostructured functional polymers for energy and lithographic applications Guillaume Fleury 27/04/2017
Séminaire LLB Insight into supercooled liquid dynamics gained by mechanical measurements Tina Hecksher 24/01/2017
Séminaire LLB Application of Small Angle Neutron Scattering to the study of Pharmacologically Relevant Systems Gaetano Mangiapia 07/10/2016
Séminaire LLB Multiferroicity in spin ice: Bilayered crystal of magnetic monopoles in Tb2Ti2O7 A. Goukassov 20/09/2016
Séminaire LLB Exotic field-induced magnetic orders and zero-field excitations in the Ising-like chain antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8 Béatrice Grenier 17/12/2015