Séminaire LLB Magnetic Excitations through the Lens of Tensor Networks: from Interacting Magnons to Fractional Quasi-particles Matthias Gohlke Okinawa institut of science and technology 07/02/2025
Séminaire en ligne Opportunities for quasi-elastic neutron scattering for life sciences Dr. Victoria Garcia Sakai ISIS Neutron and Muon Source 31/01/2025
Séminaire LLB Surprises in the Familiar: Delayed Collapse in Colloidal Gels C. Patrick “Paddy” Royall ESPCI Paris 10/01/2025
Séminaire LLB Concerted dance of protein on DNA, choreography by protein binding affinity and DNA motion Johan RC van der MAAREL Biological Physics Department of Physics, National University of Singapore 17/12/2024
Séminaire LLB Dissolution and recristallisation of cellulose Prof. Ruigang Liu Institute of Chemistry, Chinse Academy of Science, Pékin 09/12/2024
Thèses ou HDR Chain conformation of cellulose, a sustainable biopolymer, and its derivatives in ionic liquid studied by small-angle neutron (SANS) and X-ray scattering (SAXS) ZHANG Qiang Laboratoire Léon Brillouin / MMB 09/12/2024
Thèses ou HDR Spectroscopy and spin dynamics of frustrated systems: from pnictides to pyrochlores Antoine Roll LLB/NFMQ 22/11/2024
Séminaire LLB Testing isomorph theory with high pressure experiments on liquids and glasses Kristine Niss Université de Roskilde (Dk) 22/11/2024
Thèses ou HDR Interaction of the Hfq protein with the bacterial membrane and functional consequences on RNA export Florian Turban Laboratoire Léon Brillouin 04/11/2024