Our research fields
The development of ultra-short lasers producing intense, perfectly controlled pulses of just a few optical cycles has opened up unsuspected prospects.
Techniques and Instruments
Our projects, from fundamental discovery to industrialisation.
Partnerships and Valorization
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Our expertise
Building on the expertise developed over the last 30 years, the ATTOphysique group has set itself the following main objectives:
Understanding and controling the dynamics of electron scattering with the ionic core in an intense laser field, which leads to several important processes, such as elastic ion-electron scattering, multiple ionisation and recombination with the emission of attosecond pulses of XUV light.
Developing attosecond technologies, i.e. the synthesis of attosecond sources with controlled properties (polarisation, single/multiple pulses separated in space/time, etc.), their advanced characterisation using attosecond metrology, and the construction of integrated, stable and reliable attosecond light lines for users.
Developing new types of spectroscopy (harmonic spectroscopy, attosecond photo-ionisation spectroscopy) using attosecond emission to study ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics in the gas phase.
Developping new lensless imaging techniques with temporal (atto/femto) and spatial (nano) resolutions to resolve the dynamics of various processes (spin reversals of Co/Pd magnetic nano-domains, imaging of biological cells).
Studying harmonic generation in solids: semiconductors, dielectrics, 2D materials (graphene, MoSe2, etc.), with a wealth of potential applications: production of attosecond ‘all-solid-sate’ pulses, space-time manipulations (control of orbital or spin angular momentum), nanoplasmonics, Petahertz optoelectronics.
Attosecond Beamlines
The ATTOphysics group is the coordinator of the ATTOLab national facility. Initiated by an a excellence equipment programme (Equipex) from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), it brings together nine laboratories representing eight institutions.
Laser platform for EUVmetrology Created in January 2020, the NANOLITE joint laboratory, funded by the French…
ANR ATTOCOM project (English)
HHG in semiconductor crystals High-order laser harmonic generation (HHG) in semiconductor crystals is a new source…
Projet ANR Xstase (Lidyl/Atto)
Xstase : XUV STudies of light beams carrying Angular momenta : Synthesis and exchanges.
European projects
OPTOLOGIC (2020-2024) – H2020 FET OPEN
The aim of this project is to develop a new technology for energy-efficient logic operations based…
SATTOC – Solution ATTOsecond Chemistry – ERC Starting Grant 2022
Hugo Marroux, chercheur au Laboratoire Interactions, Dynamiques et Lasers – LIDYL de l’Institut IRAMIS du CEA,…
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