
The development of ultra-short lasers producing intense, perfectly controlled pulses of just a few optical cycles has opened up unsuspected prospects.

Our research fields

The development of ultra-short lasers producing intense, perfectly controlled pulses of just a few optical cycles has opened up unsuspected prospects.

Techniques and Instruments

Our projects, from fundamental discovery to industrialisation.

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Our expertise

Building on the expertise developed over the last 30 years, the ATTOphysique group has set itself the following main objectives:

Understanding and controling the dynamics of electron scattering with the ionic core in an intense laser field, which leads to several important processes, such as elastic ion-electron scattering, multiple ionisation and recombination with the emission of attosecond pulses of XUV light.

Developing attosecond technologies, i.e. the synthesis of attosecond sources with controlled properties (polarisation, single/multiple pulses separated in space/time, etc.), their advanced characterisation using attosecond metrology, and the construction of integrated, stable and reliable attosecond light lines for users.

Developing new types of spectroscopy (harmonic spectroscopy, attosecond photo-ionisation spectroscopy) using attosecond emission to study ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics in the gas phase.

Developping new lensless imaging techniques with temporal (atto/femto) and spatial (nano) resolutions to resolve the dynamics of various processes (spin reversals of Co/Pd magnetic nano-domains, imaging of biological cells).

Studying harmonic generation in solids: semiconductors, dielectrics, 2D materials (graphene, MoSe2, etc.), with a wealth of potential applications: production of attosecond ‘all-solid-sate’ pulses, space-time manipulations (control of orbital or spin angular momentum), nanoplasmonics, Petahertz optoelectronics.

Attosecond Beamlines

The ATTOphysics group is the coordinator of the ATTOLab national facility. Initiated by an a excellence equipment programme (Equipex) from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), it brings together nine laboratories representing eight institutions.


  • ANR NANOLITE project

    ANR NANOLITE project

    Laser platform for EUVmetrology Created in January 2020, the NANOLITE joint laboratory, funded by the French…

  • ANR ATTOCOM project (English)

    ANR ATTOCOM project (English)

    HHG in semiconductor crystals High-order laser harmonic generation (HHG) in semiconductor crystals is a new source…

European projects

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