Nanolite / Imagine Optic

Nanolite / Imagine Optic

The Nanolite Joint Laboratory was selected in early 2019 under the ANR LabCom program. It will strengthen the existing collaboration between LIDYL and Imagine Optic.

It aims to set up a laser platform for metrology in the extreme ultraviolet range (EUV, typically at a wavelength of 13 nm), crucial for multiple sectors ranging from the needs of facilities producing synchrotron radiation (particularly in the Extreme UV) to microelectronics (lithography), via academic research (dynamic imaging of magnetic domains, ferromagnetism…)

The LabCom Nanolite project involves the design and implementation of a high-performance ultra-brief coherent light line in the extreme ultraviolet, as well as the development of new technological building blocks and appropriate instrumentation, including a bench for nanometric imaging of extended objects. This research and development work will draw on the complementary expertise of LIDYL in the generation of short-wavelength laser coherent ultrafast radiation, and Imagine Optic in the characterization and generation of custom wavefronts (holographic masks, optical quality measurements for synchrotron radiation, etc.).