IPDN – Integrated Passives Devices of Normandy / Murata IPS

IPDN – Integrated Passives Devices of Normandy / Murata IPS

The IPDN (Integrated Passive Devices in Normandy) was created at the end of 2021, for a period of 5 years.

It associates Murata Integrated Passive Solutions, the CRISMAT laboratory, the “Groupe de Recherche en Informatique, Image, and Instrumentation de Caen” – GREYC UMR CNRS 6072 and CIMAP (Centre de recherche sur les Ions, les MAtériaux et la Photonique). This joint laboratory perpetuates the collaboration established several years ago between the partners.

These research laboratories contribute their respective skills in materials physics, materials chemistry and electrical device characterization.

Murata IPS is an industrial player in the world of microelectronics in the broad sense, and semiconductors in particular, with a sustained R&D activity. It specializes in silicon-based passive components, which are extremely attractive for miniaturizing devices, with the aim of achieving very high levels of performance in terms of integration density, performance stability (particularly in terms of temperature and voltage) and reliability.

The IDPN laboratory aims to develop a new generation of small, high-performance passive devices. To achieve this, two aspects will be explored: on the one hand, advanced characterization of current devices to identify their limitations, and on the other, the use of high-performance materials in devices, with detailed control of their manufacturing processes.

Through this partnership, new technological needs will also be identified, providing the basis for future IPDN research projects.

CIMAP contacts: Julien Cardin, CIMAP/NIMPH, and component characterization by the CIMAP/MADIR team.
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