High harmonic generation in crystals
High harmonic generation (HHG) is a nonlinear process during which a target is illuminated by an intense laser pulse and high harmonics of the fundamental frequency will be generated. HHG in solids was first reported in 2011 and was demonstrated in different dielectrics and semiconductors. We study HHG in different 3D crystals in dependence on different laser parameters such as driving wavelength and intensity and different crystal parameters such as bandstructure and crystalline orientation.

• Collaboration : |
Marc Hanna, IOGS (Palaiseau) Prof. Jens Biegert, ICFO (Barcelona) Prof. Milutin Kovacev, Leibniz Universität (Hannover) Nicolas Ducros (NOVAE), Sébastian Février (XLIM) |
• People : |
Dominik Franz Shatha Kaassamani Maria Kholodtsova David Gauthier |
• Publications | ||
• Fundings |