This year, we organize the 8th edition of the ‘C’Nano summer school on Nanosciences.
This school is a great occasion to meet other motivated young scientists from Ile-de-France and to discover great topics through an interdisciplinary program. Once again, the lecturers are international top level researchers in their field (see program below)
Registration deadline : April 30th 2014.
The number of participant is limited, don’t hesitate to registrate yourself soon.
Additional informations and registrations are available on our website.
Confirmed speakers 2014:
- Russel COWBURN (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK)
- Supriyo DATTA (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA)
- Hendrik DIETZ (Technische Universität, München, DE)
- Frederic EGHIAIAN (Inserm, Marseille, FR)
- Julie GROLLIER (CNRS/Thalès, Ile-de-France, FR)
- Bartosz A. GRZYBOWSKI (Northwestern University, Chicago, USA)
- Sophie GUERON (Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, FR)
- Zoher GUEROUI (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, FR)
- Wilson HO (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
- Lars MÜLLER-MESKAMP (Technische Universität, Dresde, DE)
- Victor PUNTES (CIN2, Barcelone, SP)