Scattering methods applied to foams

February 3 2021
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Séminaire en ligne
Alesya Mikhailovskaya
February 3 2021
from 14:00 to 15:01

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Foams are dispersions of gas bubbles in a liquid that are thermodynamically unstable. However, they are indispensable in a wide variety of applications in industry and personal life, such as firefighting, enhanced oil recovery, mineral flotation, food processing, and personal care products. The necessity to combine specific properties with stability usually leads to complex formulations, so that interaction between the components and the foam matrix has an important impact on the internal dynamics and, therefore, the system lifetime. The study of such interactions is difficult because any sample treatment (dilution, drying, freezing) results in foam damage. Thus, it requires the application of non-invasive methods, and scattering techniques are often used for foam characterization. We will consider how Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy (DWS)1 and Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)2 can be used to study foams containing nanoparticles in their continuous phase. We will discuss the ability of these methods to elucidate both the dynamics of the particles within the foam and the evolution of the foam structure.

1 A. Mikhailovskaya, J. Crassous, A. Salonen, D. Langevin, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 22103

2 A. Mikhailovskaya, L. Zhang, F. Cousin, F. Boué, P. Yazhgur, F. Muller, C. Gay, A. Salonen, Adv. Coll. Interface Sci., 2017, 247, 444