“Neutrons And Food 3” is back, from Wednesday 9th (afternoon) till Friday 11th of July inside Paris at “La maison du lait”. It will be preceded by an introduction to Neutron Scattering and a visit of the reactor Orphée at the French National Center for Neutron Scattering (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin) at Saclay, nearly 30 km from Paris, for interested attendees. A satellite meeting is also programmed from Monday 7th (afternoon) to Wednesday 9th of July on Neutron Imaging at Saclay (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin).”
The key dates are fixed:
- 17th-February 2014: Opening of the registration
- 16th-June-2014: Abstract submission deadline
- 13th-June-2014: Early registration deadline
- 23th-June-2014: Registration deadline
The main topics will be:
Carbohydrates / lipids/ Proteins/ Glassy state /Packaging / Foams and Emulsions / Dairy / Modelisation