Modification of materials by heavy ion beams from the Mvinis Ion Source of the TESLA Accelerator Installation

September 20 2005
Types d’événements
Séminaire SRMP
Ilija Draganić
SRMP Bât 520 p.109
September 20 2005
to 10:30

The channel for the modification of materials (L3A) is a low energy experimental facility at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, in Belgrade. This facility is connected to the mVINIS Ion Source (Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source-ECRIS) that can produce a wide range of multiple charged ions from gases as well as from solid substances. The extraction of the high intensity heavy ion beams from mVINIS will be described. The layout and performances of L3A channel, the several years experience of its operation, and an overview of relatively broad programs of experimental investigation of ion beam modification of materials with achieved results will be presented.

Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade