Dear colleagues,
The workshop on ” Magnetic Diffraction from Single Crystals at the ESS ” will be held on May 26-27th 2014 in Paris at FIAP Jean Monnet 30 rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris. (
The LLB is engaged by in-kind contribution in the design of neutron instrumentation at the European Spallation Source (ESS) Sweden, specifically for magnetic diffraction from single crystals . A strong potential is anticipated for single crystal diffraction by neutron time-of-flight Laue techniques benefitting best from the ESS pulse structure and providing new opportunities to study microscopic samples under extreme conditions, temperature, magnetic field and pressure.
The meeting is organized by the LLB and aims to evaluate the new perspectives for magnetic single crystal diffraction at the ESS. We intend to join neutron experts and potential users in the field to gather the most important scientific community needs. It will start at 11:30 on Monday 26th and end around 16:00 on May 27th.
Participants will have a possibility to present a 10-20 minutes talk. Considerable part of time will be reserved for an informal discussion.
Accommodation remains on charge of participants.
Arsen Goukassov
Leon Brillouin Laboratory
CEA-CNRS, CE de Saclay,91191, Gif sur Yvette, France
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin