KFN Neutron Webinar  : The recent evolution of neutron science and the development of neutron sources to tackle the grand challenges

June 23 2023
Types d’événements
Séminaire en ligne
Roger Eccleston
June 23 2023
from 11:00 to 12:01

Zoom-Link: https://fz-juelich-de.zoom.us/j/65107323754?pwd=VWc4ZkxUOHh3bEN4Q0ZaNU5ZU0ZxZz09
Meeting-ID: 651 0732 3754
Passcode: 533009

Neutron Science is continuously evolving as source and instrumentation technologies develop to keep pace with increasing scientific demands. Scientific productivity however, is not simply a product of source power and instrument capability. The health and engagement of the user community, the expertise and commitment of engineering, technical and scientific staff, and the availability of ancillary facilities, including software tools, sample environment and support laboratories, are all critical components of a productive scientific programme. As the European neutron landscape evolves, European neutron sources will need to continue to provide complementary capability and maintain capacity, insofar as is possible, to serve and develop the user community.
The ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source has been operating for more than 38 years and continues to offer world-leading capability and deliver world-leading productivity. The next wave of development of the instrument suite, the Endeavour Programme, is now underway as is a feasibility study for a MW class facility to replace ISIS.
In this webinar, Prof. Eccleston will share some personal reflections on the development of the neutron landscape and describe the ambitious plans for the future development of ISIS.

The lecture will be recorded, here you can find information on data protection: https://www.sni-portal.de/en/files/kfn-neutron-webinar-data-protection
KFN Webinar homepage:

Frank Schreiber (KFN chair)
Thomas Gutberlet (Webinar organization)

STFC “ISIS Neutron and Muon Source” UK