ITN Horizon H2020 MAMI

From December 13 2021 to December 14 2021
Types d’événements
Conférence CEA
Symposium Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation for Science & Technology
From December 13 2021 to December 14 2021
from 09:20 to 16:45

We are pleased to announce the MaMi Innovative Training Network (ITN) Symposium. Renowned experts will present the large panel of scientific challenges studied using Neutron and/or Synchrotron Large Research Facilities.

Registration :

Invited speakers:

  • Prof. Winfried Petry “Excellent European Neutron Sources, from the past to the future”
  • Prof. Adrian Rennie “Probing interfaces – exploiting the special contrasts with neutrons and tuning the depth of studies”
  • Prof. Hanna Isaksson “Use of neutron and synchrotron radiation in biomedical Engineering”
  • Dr. Michèle Sauvage “From LURE to SOLEIL: a multidisciplinary synchrotron radiation users community”
  • Dr. Vincent Fernandez “Imaging of natural and cultural heritage specimens using synchrotron X-ray Computed Tomography”.

This conference is part of the ITN outreach activities and the consortium of doctoral students and young doctors working on the European project will also present their own work.

The online Symposium will be held on December, the 13-14th, 2021.

Program is accessible via the active links at the bottom of the Flyer. Registration (free) is open but necessary to activate the link.

The organizers,
Laurence Noirez, Bernard Doudin and Anna Oleshkevych