French Neutron Scattering Days (JDN2022) 14-17/11/2022, Biarritz, France

From November 14 2022 to November 17 2022
Types d’événements
Autres séminaires
Amphi. Bloch, Bât. 774, Orme des Merisiers
From November 14 2022 to November 17 2022
from 09:00 to 17:01

Dear colleague,

The French Neutron Scattering Society (SFN) organises the next “Neutron Scattering Meeting”, in the “Domaine de Françon” (Biarritz, France), on November 14-17th, 2022. This multidisciplinary conference will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community. Four sessions will be organised in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Biology, Materials, and Instrumentation. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of oral communications. Several poster sessions will also take place, with a Best Poster Award for a young scientist.

In addition, two half-day sessions will be organised, dedicated to Molecular Modeling, and Optical and Neutron spectroscopies. These sessions will be held in parallel with a workshop dedicated to Diffraction at ESS. We are also very pleased to announce that the Spanish Community will contribute to this new edition!

You are very welcomed to submit an abstract for oral/poster contributions at the session(s) of your choice by 26th of September 2022, via

Save the date: 14-17 nov. 2022, Biarritz.

More information on

The JDN organizing committee