Exploring liquid properties in confined geometry

Exploring liquid properties in confined geometry

From August 21 2022 to August 26 2022
Types d’événements
Conférence CEA
Manchester Central Convention Complex
From August 21 2022 to August 26 2022
from 09:00 to 16:01

WIthin the next general conferences of the Division of Condensed Matter of the European Physical Society, CMD29, in Manchester from August 21 to 26, 2022,

Minicolloquium: “Exploring liquid properties in confined geometries”:

Confinement or vicinity to a surface can profoundly alter the properties of the liquid which can become completely different from those measured in the bulk. Modern techniques and new theoretical concepts give us today the opportunity to probe and understand non-trivial physical properties identified from the surface interaction to the sub-millimeter scale.

The mini-colloquium aims to bring together researchers from various expertise in fluidics, wetting, rheophysics, microfluidics, confinement effects in liquids, interfacial and scaling effects including invited talks, oral and poster contributions. We particularly encourage contributions from young researchers including PhD students and research associates.

More information on the colloquiumAbstract contribution – Abstract submission deadline: 15th April.
