Current status of the SCSS project

May 25 2004
Types d’événements
Séminaires SPAM LFP
NIMBE Bât 522, p 138
Vidéo projecteur, liaison vers l’EXTRA ou wifi (Eduroam, Einstein et Maxwell-ng)
34 places
Vidéo Projecteur
May 25 2004
to 10:30

SCSS (SPring-8 Compact SASE Source) is an X-ray SASE-FEL project planned in the SPring-8 site. In order to make the whole facility compact, high-gradient C-band LINAC (35~40 MV/m) and short period undulators (15 mm) are used for the SCSS. For example, this short undulator periodicity enables 3.6 nm radiation with 1 GeV electron beams and a required facility length (LINAC + undulator) is about ~ 70 m. On the other hand, the emittance requirement for the electron gun becomes more severe compared with other X-ray SASE projects because of the relatively low beam energy of the SCSS. As a solution to this emittance requirement, a high-voltage pulsed gun with a thermionic cathode has been developed. In the seminar, current activity of the SCSS project will be presented including the development of each accelerator components.

RIKEN/SPring-8, Hyogo, Japon