Computer simulations : from atoms to components

October 23 2007
Types d’événements
Séminaire SRMP
Prof. Dr. Siegfried Schmauder
SRMP Bât 520 p.109
October 23 2007
to 10:30

In this contribution, multiscale simulations are performed in order to bridge the length scales from atoms to components: Atomistic Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are performed on the pre¬cipitation kinetics of multi-component Fe-Cu-Ni-Mn-systems. The formation of Cu-rich precipitates is analyzed and their morphology is compared with recent APFIM/TAP analyses. Annealing simulations are performed and details of the Ostwald ripening process is investigated. Coarsening rates are derived and com¬pa¬red with analytical data from the LSW theory. The interaction of edge dislocations with precipitates provides insight into the strengthening ability of the precipitates in the framework of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. Furthermore, finite element (FE) based damage ana¬ly¬ses are performed in order to understand the macroscopic behaviour of these materials.

Universität Stuttgart