ICNS 2022 will be the 12th conference in a series held every four years starting in 1982, including most recently ICNS 2009 in Knoxville, USA, ICNS 2013 in Edinburgh, UK, and ICNS 2017 in Daejeon, Korea. The ICNS 2022 will be the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, including a broad range of topics.
Deadline for submitting contributions : 18/01/2022
- Soft Matter
- Biology and Biological Interfaces
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Magnetism and Thin Films
- Solid State Chemistry
- Life Sciences
- Energy and Engineering Materials
- Functional Materials
- Industrial Applications
- Cultural Heritage and Archaeometry
- Neutron Physics
- Neutron Sources and Facilities