Séminaire en ligne LENS Webinars: Ultra-high field magnets for neutron scattering: latest developments and possibilities Dr Mark D. Bird 27/05/2021
Séminaire en ligne From de periodic table to new magnets: climbing the inverse design mountain Prof. Stefano Sanvito 01/04/2021
Séminaire en ligne Fractionalized Pair Density Wave and pseudogap in cuprate superconductors. Maxime Grandadam 26/03/2021
Séminaire en ligne LENS webinars on Global Health Threats : Drug development & drug delivery systems Dr. Andrey Kovalevsky (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and Dr. Marianna Yanez Arteta (AstraZeneca Mölndal) 25/03/2021
Thèses ou HDR Functionalized carbon nanotubes for lithium/sulphur and lithium/organic batteries Hanine Kamaleddine NIMBE/LICSEN 10/03/2021
Séminaire en ligne LENS Webinars on Global Health Threats : Elucidating amyloid aggregation mechanisms behind neurodegenerative diseases Emma Sparr and Pau Bernadó 04/03/2021
Séminaire en ligne Wide-angle spin echo instrument “EXPANSE” for the second target station (STS) of SNS. 18/02/2021
Séminaire en ligne Exploring the potential of neutron imaging and diffraction techniques on IMAT instrument at ISIS, UK Dr Genoveva Burca 11/02/2021