Séminaire en ligne From penrose tilings to the trinity test: the extraordinary story of the discovery of quasicrystals in nature Prof. Luca Bindi 03/02/2022
Conférence CEA ITN Horizon H2020 MAMI Symposium Neutron & Synchrotron Radiation for Science & Technology From 13/12/2021 to 14/12/2021
Séminaire en ligne Strategic view, roadmaps and development programmes of high energy accelerators and synchrotrons research infrastructures Big Science Business forum Webinars 30/11/2021
Conférence CEA – Cycle de conférences IPhT- “Quantum computers & simulators” From 29/11/2021 to 01/12/2021
Séminaire en ligne LENS Webinar: The role of neutron science in securing a sustainable future 03/11/2021
Séminaire en ligne Flows of polymers: from the peeling of adhesive tapes to the spreading of polymer melts Marion Grzelka 25/10/2021
Séminaire en ligne LENS Webinars : The Wolter optics based neutron microscope Dr Daniel S. Hussey 10/06/2021