Séminaire en ligne Fundamental of neutron scattering; Recent advancements in magnetic neutron diffraction: detection of inversion-symmetry breaking local magneto-electric multipoles Henrik Rønnow and Jian-Rui Soh 02/02/2023
Autres séminaires French Neutron Scattering Days (JDN2022) 14-17/11/2022, Biarritz, France JDN-2022 From 14/11/2022 to 17/11/2022
Autres séminaires ECNS 2023 : Garching 20-23 March 2023 : abstract deadline 1/11/2022 From 25/10/2022 to 01/11/2022
Thèses ou HDR Analysis of the ions and electrons emitted by hypoxanthine in the gas phase upon irradiation : from the isolated molecule to hydrated clusters Chiara Nicolafrancesco 29/09/2022