Séminaire SRMP Séminaire annulé : Oxide dispersed strengthened dual beam (Fe + He) experiment M.J. Fluss 13/11/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP Ring-induced Conformational Restriction in Neurotransmitters Studied by Laser Desorption Supersonic Jet Spectroscopy Masaaki FUJII 12/11/2009
Séminaire SRMP Energetics of Al doping and intrinsic defects in monoclinic and cubic zirconia : First-principles calculations Cecilia Ǻrhammar 20/10/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP Ultrafast spectroscopy of tryptophan as molecular probe for protein dynamics in the condensed phase Prof. Stefan HAACKE 08/10/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP Synthesis and properties of DNA-based nanowires Prof. Alexander KOTLYAR 01/10/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP Probing Molecular Photoionization with Molecular Frame Photoelectron Angular Distributions and Vibrational Branching Ratios Prof. Robert R. Lucchese 05/06/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP Dissociative Electron Attachment probed by Velocity Map Imaging Dhananjay NANDI 30/04/2009
Séminaire SRMP Mesures de diffusion dans SiO2 et dans SiC Kirsten Sunder and Hartmut Bracht 05/03/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP Electron spectroscopy and Synchrotron Radiation: A short introduction Prof. Svante Svensson 12/02/2009
Séminaire SRMP Stochastic statistical theory of nucleation and evolution of nano-sized precipitates in alloys with application to the precipitation of copper in iron V.G. Vaks 06/01/2009
Séminaires SPAM LFP The role of surfactants in carbon nanotubes density gradient separation Maria Cristina dos Santos – Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP) Sao Paulo, Brésil 04/12/2008
Séminaire SRMP First principles calculations of point, line and planar defects in metals Christopher WOODWARD 18/11/2008